Namjoon ♡ Bookstore

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I added a song. It's called Ji-eun's Sunset by City Girl. I heard it on a lo-fi music video stream I was listening to while doing some homework a few days ago.

My short heels clicked against the pavement as I made my way to the bookstore. It was a rather chilly day, but perfect for a good book and some tea. I stepped into the bookstore, the bell above the door dinging as the door swung open.


I looked up and locked eyes with the man behind the counter. He was beautiful, but I didn't want to stare for long.

"Hello." I gave him a small nod and made my way to the back of the store.

I scanned the shelves, my fingertips ghosting over the spines of the books as I looked for a title that seemed interesting. My fingers stop on a book, I read the title Kafta on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. I flipped the book around and read the book description.

(I have no clue what this book is about. I just know Namjoon really likes this author and he recommended this book for people to read)

I carried the book with me and continued looking. I pulled a book off the shelf titled Me Before You.

(I actually saw this movie when it came out and uhh I cried :*) I haven't read the book though)

I decided to take the two books I had and head towards the check out register. I approached the front desk seeing the cute bookstore guy flipping through a book. When I reached the register he looked up at me, pushing his glasses up and setting his book aside.

"Hello, how are you?" He asked.
"I'm good."
"Did you find everything you were looking for?"
"I think so." I said placing my books on the counter.
"Oh this one is really good." He pointed to Me Before You. "There's a movie about it but I think the book is better."
He scanned the book and went to grab the second on.
He let out a tiny gasp.
"I love this author. This book is really good. I think you'll like it a lot. Haruki Murakami is one of my favorites. I would also suggest Norwegian Wood."
"I might check it out when I come back." I said.

While he scanned the second book I took the opportunity to glance at his name tag. Namjoon.

I watched as he punched buttons on the cash register. While his attention was focused on something else I took the opportunity to admire his godlike features. His skin was so perfectly tanned, almost as if he had been kissed by the sun. His dark brown hair was parted to the side, his bangs hung down over his forehead as he messed with the cash register. His lips were so full and perfect. His cute black and silver rimmed glasses rested on his cute little nose.

"That'll be $30."

I quickly snapped back to reality and handed him my credit card. He swiped it through the tiny credit card attachment on an iPad and started typing things in.

I started staring at him again while he was caught off guard. He pressed his lips together, small dimples showing slightly as he messed with the iPad.

"Okay. Sign here please."

I used my finger and signed my signature on the iPad.

"Thank you." He smiled showing his dimples. "Have a nice day."
"Thanks. You too." I waved and left the store.

That day when I got home I started reading Kafta on the Shore. I got thought half of it before I decided to take a break. It was a week until I made it back to the bookstore. I managed to read both the books I purchased.

I walked into the bookstore and saw Namjoon sitting behind the register.

"Hey! It's you." He grinned widely.
"Yes it's me." I chuckled. "I came to get Norwegian Wood."
I walked over to the counter
"Oh! Really?" He asked.
"What did you think of Kafta on the Shore and Me Before You?"
"Wow, you remembered."
"Yeah." He seemed to get a little nervous. "I'm uh really good at remembering the books people buy."
"That's amazing." I said. "The books were really good. Me Before You made me cry a little."
"Me too." He grinned.
"I'm gonna go grab Norwegian Wood."
"It's on row G over there." He said pointing to a shelf with the letter G on the end."
"Thank you."

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