Jin ♡ Love Story

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I had this idea a while back and decided maybe I should attempt to write it.

One of my favorite authors has just released a new book. He's not super well known which I enjoy. It's nice to have a favorite author no one knows much about. That way you can tell people how incredible their writing is and recommend books.

I head to the nearest book store and let out a tiny excited squeak when I see his book set up in the window with a sign saying NEW RELEASE.

I walk into the store and see copies of the book stacked into short heap. The large price tag $14.99 was displayed on a sign above the books. I walked up and snagged a copy lookin at. The front of the book.

(Listen I know this is based in Korea but I'm using US dollars please look past it)

Engima by Kim Seokjin.

I flipped the book over and read the back.

Park Jiseok is head over heels in love. The only problem is, he's never met the girl. He only watches her from afar. He's not sure why he feels so drawn to her. Everything about this is so mysterious. It's an enigma.
Will the pair eventually meet up? Will a romance blossom?

My heart thumped in my chest.

"This is gonna be a good book I can tell." I thought to myself.

I hastily walked to the front register to purchase the book.

"Oh Kim Seokjin." The lady behind the register spoke up as she scanned the book. "He's a very talented writer."
"You've read his stuff?" I asked, surprised.
"Yes, it's beautiful. The way he writes about romance is incredible. Whoever he thinks about while he's writing is one lucky girl."
"Yeah she sure is." I agreed.

I paid for my book and wished the lady a nice day before I left the store. My hands were jittery and my heart felt like it was doing front flips. I cannot wait to get home and dive right into this book. I'm sure I'll have it read in a day or two.

As soon I step foot in my apartment I throw my jacket to the side and kick off my shoes. I go change into some cozy loungewear and make myself some hot tea.
Finally I'm able to settle down. I curl up on the couch with a blanket and start reading.


I'm one chapter in and already hooked. This book is jut as good as I thought it would be, if not better. My eyes scan across the page, working my way down to the bottom.

There she is. The girl I've been drawn to for years. I watch as she walks into the book store, a smile on her face. I lose sight of her once she enters the building. A few minutes later she leaves, a bag of books in her hand.

The way her (h/c) hair flows in the wind is simply breathtaking. I can only imagine the way her (e/c) eyes sparkle when she finds a new book.

I stopped reading.

I have (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. I also enjoy going to bookstores.

I furrowed my brows.

"Must just he a coincidence." I shrugged and continued reading.

I don't know when I'll get the nerve to speak to her. Maybe I'll buy her a book from her favorite author. No. I'm sure she owns all of them. Maybe I'll just "bump into her" on the street. No. I can't just walk up to her and say "Hey I've been watching you for a while and I think I'm in love with you." That would be insane.

Maybe I could just wait for her to come to me.

I continue to read until Park Jiseok meets the girl he's been fawning over. He decides to go into the bookstore she always goes in. He stands in front of the shelves with books written by her favorite author.
The girl walks up and greets him with a shy smile before scanning the shelves.

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