Hoseok ♡ Hanahaki

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"Look!" Hoseok pointed to a white flower sticking up from the green blades of grass. He plucked it from the ground, turning towards me with a big smile. "Be still." He instructed softly.
I watched him as he leaned closer, placing the flower in my hair.
"So pretty!" He gushed.
I chuckled lightly, shaking my head. "You're something else Hoseok."
"So are you." He beamed, resting his cheek on his hand.
I roll my eyes, brushing off his comment as nothing more than his usual playful banter.
"This was fun." I comment as I gather up our wadded fast food containers and discard them in a nearby trash can.
"It was lots of fun. I always enjoy spending time with you." Hoseok grinned.
"Me too. You always know how to make me laugh and lift my spirits after a bad day."

Hoseok's POV
I hacked and coughed into the toilet, spitting up blood and flower petals, my chest burning. I didn't have much time to take in a breath of air before I gagged again, more petals dropping into the toilet.

I hate this.

I do this every day. These days though, it seems to be happening more often. Especially when I hang out with her.

My phone rings in my pocket, her assigned ringtone filling the air in the quiet bathroom. I can almost feel my heart breaking.
I grab a wad of toilet paper and wipe my lips before answering the phone.

"Hello?" My voice comes out hoarse, a cough soon following.
"Hobi, are you okay?" Her worried voice asks from the other end of the phone.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just drank some water and it went down the wrong way." I lied.
"Oh okay. Well, I just ordered takeout and wanted to know if you'd like some."
"Hm." I thought about it for a moment.
"I got your favorite." She said in a sing-song voice.
"Okay." I give in. "I'll be over in a little bit."
"Great. See you soon Hobi."

I hung up the phone, staring at it as the screen went dark.
Spending time with her makes me feel better and worse all at the same time. I love being with her, but her presence alone reminds me that I won't get to be around her for much longer.

She will be the death of me.

Your POV
A chorus of rhythmic knocks came from my front door. I knew it was Hoseok because he's the only person who knocks like that.
I swing the door open, a smile on my face.

"I was hoping that was my food." I joke.
"And I was hoping for a more enthusiastic greeting." He teased as he stepped inside. "Is the food here yet?"
"Good. I'm just in time, then." He let out a content sigh as he flopped down on my couch, resting his arms on the back.
I walk over and drop down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for coming over." I smile.
"Anything for you." He said ruffling my hair a little.
"I hope we never stop being friends." I say.
I could feel Hoseok stiffen. This caused me to lift my head and look up at him.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing." He shook his head.
"You're acting weird."

I heard a knock on the door.

"The food is here." Hoseok announced.
"Right." I stand up off the couch and start towards the door.
"Why don't I pay for it?" Hoseok suggested.
"No it's fine. I'm the one who invited you over so I'll pay."

After paying for our food, I carried it to the living room, setting the large bag on the coffee table.

"Alright!" I rubbed my hands together in anticipation. "Let's dig in."

The next couple hours are spent eating, talking, and joking. Whenever I'm around Hoseok my serotonin goes through the roof. He's like my own personal happy pill.

"I need to use the restroom." He quickly excuses himself and scurries off.

I take the time to clean up our empty soda cans and food containers while he's gone. When I come back to the living room, Hoseok is emerging from the bathroom.
"I think I'm gonna head home." He announces.
"What? Why?"
"I'm getting kind of sleepy." He answers.
"You can stay here tonight if you want."
"It's fine. I'm also not feeling well."
"Oh. Okay then." I walk him to the door and give him a tight hug. "I hope you feel better."
"Me too. Maybe we can hang out again another day." He smiled, only to break out into a fit of coughs.
"Are you alright?"
He nods, keeping his hand over his mouth.
"You're sure?"
"Okay. Goodnight."
I watch as he leaves, walking to his car. I wanted to make sure he made it safely inside his vehicle. I wave to him and step back inside my house.

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