"Like To Be You"

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A/N: Hi everyone! I hope everybody is staying safe and healthy out there. I know the past few weeks have been insane. But, when all else fails, I find it best to try to escape the real world for a little bit. So, I have a new one for you! I hope you enjoy it! Sending you all lots of love!!! 🤎🤎🤎
Song: "Like to be You" by Shawn Mendes (of course! ☺️)
Rating: Everyone


"I get worried I might lose you a little every time we argue and get caught up in the moment."

You sit on the cold hard-wood floor, leaning against the bed, and watching the rain drops hit the window sill one by one. Your face is puffy, nose stuffy, and you'd cry, but you're afraid that you've actually managed to cry yourself completely dry.

So, now comes the breaking point. What happens when there's nothing else left to say?

***Earlier that evening***

It's 9 pm.

Mac said he would be home by five so you could eat dinner together as a family. But, as usual, that didn't happen. So, you finally put your son to bed, explaining to him that his dad won't be home to tuck him in tonight. Now, you're sitting at the kitchen table with Mac's dinner getting cold across from you and a piece of paper on the table in front of you.

When the door finally opens about fifteen minutes later, Mac walks in. He apologizes for being late, just as he does every time.

If only apologies were enough.

"Don't cry, or do, whatever makes you comfortable. I'm tired, too. There's nothin' left to say. Let's call a truce 'cause I don't really wanna go to bed like this."

"You promised," you tell him flatly, not even looking his way. "That's the third time this week."

"I know. Is he asleep?"

"Finally. He tried so hard to stay awake so that you could tuck him in," you acknowledge disdainfully.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you've said that a lot lately," you scoff.

"Y/N, what do you want me to do?"

You stand up, giving him one disappointed glance-over. Then, you move to the sink where you put some dirty dishes.

You don't want to have this conversation with him. The last thing you want to do is fight with him again.

But, finally, you can't hold it back. "I know we said we could work everything out - you could do the job life and the family life. But, I go to work and then I pick up AJ from school, and then I come home to take care of him and everything else that has to be done. I buy the groceries, and I cook the dinners, and I pack the lunches, and I clean the house, and then I have to explain to our son why his dad broke his promise yet again." You continue on, fueling the fire within, "Then, before I put him to bed tonight, I'm going through his backpack for tomorrow and I find this that he wrote at school today." You pick up the piece of paper that was in front of you and hand it to Mac.

He reads the paper titled "Who is Your Hero?" to himself:

"My hero is my daddy. He works for something called a Think Tank and he helps people all the time. I love him so much and I want to do what he does one day. I just wish that he was home more often."

Mac sits at the table, shaking his head in disappointment. "I don't know what to say."

You pause for a moment, fighting the thoughts in your mind. But, you tell him, arms crossed in front of you, "There comes a time when you have to make a choice. Because this clearly isn't working anymore. You have to decide what's more important to you."

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