"What I'm Leaving For"

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A/N: Welcome back everyone! I hope you're doing well. This one includes a request from
ElizabethDodson0 and a story idea I've been working on for a while. I hope you like it!
💛💛💛 P.S. Happy (official) Autumn! 🍁
Song: "What I'm Leaving For" by Lady A
Rating: Everyone

***Y/N's POV***

"Keep those lights on. Toys on the front lawn. Disney World trip next summer. Used kit for our little air-drummer. Food on the table. Brand new cradle for the angel that's coming in a minute. This house and everybody in it."

"Mommy, Mommy!" little James yells from his play pen in the corner of the room. "Look!"

I manage to hobble myself over to my toddler son for what seems like the hundredth time already today to see his latest creative masterpiece and praise him, "Wow, buddy! That's so cool! Great job."

Besides running after a toddler, I've been busy today cleaning the house. This same thing happened when I was pregnant with James. About two weeks before he arrived, I got the nesting bug and spent my days cleaning like a banshee.

On this beautiful Sunday, Mac has been busy preparing for the new baby as well. It's early evening when he meets me in the living room with a screwdriver in his hands. "Crib is officially together."

"Mommy!" James screams for the thousandth time. He's escaped out of his play pen now and is currently running about the house.

"Mac, can you please?" I beg. "Running after him these days is not easy while this little one stomps on my bladder at all times of the day." I run a hand over my growing belly and sigh.

"I've got him." Mac catches our little torpedo mid-sprint and lifts him high in the air as James lets out an excited squeal. "Come on, little man. Why don't you help Daddy with the new car seat?"


After I've finished my cleaning for the day and prepping the nursery, I hobble over to the front door and catch a glimpse of Mac fighting with the car seat in the backseat of our SUV, all while our little guy plays with some chalk on the driveway. Even though I'm not due for a few more weeks, Mac promised to get the car seat in before his next business trip. He wanted to make sure everything was ready long before the big day. I can't help but smile at the vision of my two favorite men. I'm left thinking about the possibility of adding another little guy to my life. We've decided to wait to find out the sex of baby number two until he or she gets here. It's been driving me crazy, but Mac wanted the element of surprise this time around. Growing up, I always pictured having a daughter some day. But, honestly, now that I'm a boy mom, I wouldn't mind a whole house full of little Macs.


After dinner, our usual nighttime routine begins. First on the list is to give our sweet potato and smashed pea-covered son his bath.

Of course, it's more playtime for him as he spends the time splashing in the bubbles. I can't hold in a chuckle as he lifts a pile of bubbles in his chubby little fingers, offering them to Mac. "Here, Daddy."

Mac takes the offering, grinning. "Thanks, little man. It's what I've always wanted." Just then, James sends a few more bubbles flying gregariously, with several accidentally landing on Mac's shirt. James erupts in a fit of giggles as Mac rinses the suds from his son's hair and wraps him in a towel.

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