"This is What it Takes"

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A/N: Hello lovely people! How are y'all doing? I hope you're well. This one is inspired by some of the recent MacGyver happenings (p.s. if you're not caught up on the show, this story might have some spoilers 😬, just an FYI!) Let me know what you all think! 💚
Song: "This is What it Takes" by (Yep, you guessed it 😉) Shawn Mendes
Rating: Everyone


It's the middle of the night when you awaken and turn over in bed only to find the other side of the bed empty without even a wrinkle in the bedding. That's how you know that Mac, yet again, didn't come to bed. You look at the clock illuminating on the bedside table, and it says 3:15 AM.

You sigh, thinking to yourself, That man is going to drive himself crazy.

"I watch your troubled eyes as you rest, and I fall in love with every breath. I wonder if those eyes are really shut, and am I the one you're dreaming of?"

You pull your robe around your body as the cool night air hits your skin, and you tiptoe out to the living room area only to find Mac lying on the couch with a stack of papers cluttered around him, still dressed in his daytime clothes.

You stand there and watch him for a moment, watching the worry in his eyes even through his closed eyelids. He's been exhausting himself lately after his dad passed away, spending every hour of the day and night trying to track down his aunt and finding a way to stop Codex. He's working himself to death, never taking a moment to sleep, relax, or barely even eat.

As the days have gone by, you've found yourself worrying more and more. And all you want to do is take all of that worry away. But, you don't know what to do. He hardly even speaks to you. You know he's upset, and when that happens, he shuts people out, insisting he can figure it all out on his own.

You wish you could make him see that he doesn't have to be alone in this. You're right here, but he doesn't seem to see you.

You bend down to pick up the scattered papers around the couch, making a neat pile on the coffee table. You try not to wake Mac, knowing this is the most sleep he's gotten in the past week.

You grab a blanket and put it over him, turning the lamp off on the table beside him. You look at all the scribbled notes that he's made on the paper at the top of the stack. He's been hopelessly searching for some sort of connection between the scarce information that he already knows, but to no avail.

And you worry to yourself, What if this is the one problem he can't solve?

"Cause underneath the darkness there's a light that's trying so hard to be seen. And I know this 'cause I've noticed a little bit shining through the seams."

You get up early in the morning, unable to sleep the rest of the night.

This time, you find Mac leaning against the couch, seemingly staring into space.

"Mac," you say in a soft tone. But, he doesn't move.

You sit down next to him. "You didn't come to bed last night."

"I was busy."

"Maybe you should take a break from all of this." You motion to the cluttered living room. "You can't do any good for anyone if you don't take care of yourself."

"I'm fine," he suggests shortly.

"You've been saying that for the past week."

He stands up, angrily escalating. "Yeah, well, if Codex gets their way, the whole world will fall apart. If I give in, his death will have been for nothing."

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