"Marry Me"

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A/N; Welcome back, lovely people! Thank you to random_fan_101 for requesting this one (The song is by Jason Derulo for anyone who doesn't know). I adore you guys, and happy reading! 🤓 📖
Rating: Everyone


The streets are abuzz with locals. Merchants line the sidewalks while the occasional tourist passes by, taking in the sights of the city. From a third-floor balcony, you lean against the railing while the light breeze rustles your hair, staring at the narrow, crowded streets of Barcelona.

It's rare that you get a quiet moment to just think whilst deep into a mission. And you don't take that for granted.

But soon, Riley breaks your moment of silence, beckoning you back inside the quaint hotel room. You and Riley have been tasked with being the rest of the team's eyes and ears, scouting out each move while they gather important intel.

The purpose of this mission, as it may seem, is a bit ironic for you. This weekend, former Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Firmer's son is getting married. To say this is Spain's 'event of the century' is a bit of an understatement. The only problem is that Firmer, like any political figure head, has developed a few enemies over the years. Your team's job is to ensure that nothing goes wrong with this wedding and that, if anyone tries anything, you'll stop them.

The ironic part of this situation is that, while you're busy worrying about this wedding, all you can think about is your own — the one that may or may not ever happen.

"Y/N, what's up with you?" Riley asks you, while you flip through some papers.

You contemplate, chewing on your lip. "I don't want to say."

"Come on."

You open your mouth to speak, desperate to tell someone what you've been thinking about. But, you stop yourself just as fast. "I have a secret. But, it's complicated. I really shouldn't tell you."

"Okay, fine." She leans back in her chair, eyeing you suspiciously. "But, what if I guessed it?"

Your face lights up at the idea. "That could work."

"Is it about this mission?" she starts, as if you're playing a game of 20 questions.


"Is it about work at all?"

You shake your head from side to side. "No."

"Okay, is it at least about one of us?" she questions, referring to your whole team.

You nod.

"Does it have anything to do with me?"


"With Bozer?"



With that, you nod your head exaggeratedly.

"You and Mac?"


She continues her questioning a little while longer, but it's getting her nowhere. She'll never guess this. "Please just tell me, Y/N. I don't know what to ask anymore."

You squeeze your eyes shut, contemplating, before you finally blurt out, "I found a ring!"

Riley's eyes go wide, jaw dropping to the floor. "What?! Oh my god!"

You silently curse yourself because you swore you weren't going to tell anyone. But, you can't hold it back any longer, so you explain, "About a month ago, Mac was working on something — I don't even remember what — and he asked me to go into our room to find some spare part he had left on his desk. I was shuffling through the drawers because I couldn't find it, and in the back of one..." You pause dramatizing the moment. "... I found a little box."

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