Free to Be You and Me: Part One

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Life wasn't the same without Sam. It was just you and Dean now, but you could sense a part of your boyfriend wanted his brother back. They haven't been separated from each other not once in their whole lives. They learned to lean on one another, to depend on each other when they couldn't depend on someone else. You couldn't speak for Sam, but Dean was a wreck. He took you on back to back hunts, and you knew it was to keep himself from thinking about where Sam was, what he was doing, and who he was with.

Where you and Dean wore professional clothing for FBI interviews, Sam was probably in something casual. Where you and Dean utilized your FBI badges, you can only imagine Sam burning his or burying them deep into the ground. Where you and Dean take down monsters and slicing heads off vampires, you can only imagine Sam is in the kitchen, slicing fruits and vegetables as he tries to live the high life. Where you and Dean would be smearing blood off your faces and cleaning the goo off your bodies, Sam is probably wiping sweat off his brow from the jogs he does every morning. Where you and Dean wash Baby, Sam is out there wiping down a counter as he cleans his messes.

Where you and Dean are, you know for a fact it's where Sam isn't.

Life without Sam was hard, but you managed to go on. Grabbing the gun you always used with your left hand, you used the clean dishrag in your right to wipe down your gun and make sure everything was working properly. While you were sitting on the closed toilet seat, Dean was standing in front of the mirror as he cleaned his leather jacket with a damp washcloth. The silence between you two was comfortable until you heard a flap of wings. Looking up, you and Dean were both startled by the only angel in your life.

"God," Dean thumped the sink in surprise, "don't do that."

"Hello, Dean. Y/N," the angel said. Dean turned around to face the angel, but he was really close and personal to your boyfriend. Looking between the two men, you watched as Dean searched Castiel's face for any kind of sign that he regretted being this close to him.

"Cas, we've talked about this. Personal space?"

"My apologies," he cleared his throat before moving away from him. Dean grabbed his jacket and walked towards the bed, but you stayed right where you were.

"How'd you find us? I thought we were flying below the angel radar," you said as you rubbed your ribs to illustrate the point you were trying to make.

"You are. Your father told me where you are," he said as he looked around the room to see if he could find a sign of Sam.

"Where is Sam?"

"Us and Sam are taking separate vacations for a while. So," Dean trailed off as he slipped on his jacket.

"Which is code for him and Sam. I think we need Sam just as much as he needs us," you added.

"You find God yet? More importantly, can I have my damn necklace back, please?" Dean asked as he changed the subject.

"No, I haven't found him. That's why I'm here. I need your help."

"With what? God hunt? Not interested."

"It's not God. It's someone else."

"Who?" you wondered.

"An Archangel. The one who killed me. His name is Raphael."

"You were wasted by a teenage mutant ninja angel?" Dean snickered as you finished cleaning your gun.

"I've heard whispers that he's walking the earth. This is a rare opportunity."

"For what? Revenge?" you asked.

"Information," Castiel corrected. Dean walked back over to the sink before picking up one of his knives and the washcloth before starting to clean it.

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