I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Part One

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"Agents Page, Plant, and Ronan," Dean said as he held up his fake badge for the doctor to see.

There had been reports of strange deaths occurring in this town, but you didn't really know how strange. The police report you found said something about a girl with a head injury from something that clawed through her skull. Normally it wasn't your type of thing, but when you talked with the police that made the report, he was very nervous and he stuttered which made you think there was something supernatural about this.

"Gentlemen, Lady. What brings you by?" the doctor asked.

"We need to see Amber Freer's body," you stated.

"Really? What for?"

"The police report said something clawed through her skull?"

"You didn't read the autopsy report that I emailed out this morning?"

"W-we had, uh, server issues," Sam chuckled nervously.

The doctor motioned for you three to follow, and he led you to the room where the bodies were kept in freezers. He opened one and pulled the body out before removing the sheet from her head.

"When they brought her in, we thought she was attacked by a wolf or something," the doctor explained as he showed you the claw marks on the side of her skull, "but we were wrong." He picked up a plastic bad from the slab the body was laying on before showing it to you and the brothers.

"Is that a—"

"Pressed-on nail," the doctor finished for you. "We found it in her temporal lobe."

"You're saying she did this to herself?" you asked, clearly shocked.

"Uh-huh. She scratched her brains out. It'd take hours, and it'd hurt like hell, but sure—it's possible."


"Pick your acronym—OCD, PCP. It all spells crazy," the doctor sighed. Sam reached for the blanket and pulled it back further until the girl's hands were shown. Amber's right hand had four press-on nails still attached, but the middle finger has nothing on it. "My guess, some kind of phantom itch. I mean, an extreme case, but still."

"Phantom itch?" Dean asked.

"Yup," the doctor stated as he placed the sheet back over her body and put her back in the freezer. "All it takes is someone talking about an itch—or thinking about one, even—and suddenly you can't stop scratching."

"Thanks, doc," you smiled before leaving the morgue with the brothers.

Now you know why the police was nervous when you talked to them because they were curious about why she did this to herself or what caused it to happen.

"The family should still be a little fresh regarding information. We're heading there next," you said as you clutched the keys in your hand.

"When I agreed you could drive, I didn't mean take over the whole goddamn investigation," Dean joked as everyone got into the car.

"Get used to it," you smirked before pulling out onto the street to head to the house where Amber died—the house in which she was babysitting.


While Sam was questioning the parents of Jimmy, the little boy who had Amber as a babysitter, you and Dean looked at the rest of the house for anything suspicious. The little boy, Jimmy, was watching from the kitchen because he seemed too scared to even go into the room with the FBI Agents who he thinks are real. As soon as you saw him, you nudged Dean before approaching the young boy.

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