Sam, Interrupted: Part One

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The death of the two women in your life was still very fresh in your minds. They wanted you three to kill Lucifer with the Colt, and as much as you tried, it didn't work. Jo died for nothing as did Ellen, but the event hasn't left your mind since. Your mind wouldn't let you forgive yourself for not doing something more even though Dean's told you repeatedly that you did everything you could. Jo was dead the minute the hellhounds got to her no matter how much magic you used on her body.

Nonetheless, there were other people that needed to be saved. Other people that had no clue the apocalypse was near them. Other people that were more important than Lucifer since the archangel hasn't shown up since that night. All you could do was focus on the case in front of you which just so happened to be in a psychiatric hospital where an ex-hunter summoned you.

In order to get into the hospital and do your job, you needed to go undercover.

In order to do that, you needed to tell the truth.

"You were referred to me by a Dr. Babar in Chicago," Dr. Fuller stated, looking at the file in his hands.

"That's right," you nodded.

"Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar?"

"I don't know. I don't have any elephant books. Look, Doctor, I-I-I think the doc was in over his head with this one," Dean points to his brother. "'Cause my brother is," he makes a motion with his fingers by the side of his head that usually meant "crazy".

"Okay, fine, thank you. That's really not necessary," he stuttered, grabbing his notepad and file. "Why don't you tell me how you're feeling, Alex?"

"I'm fine. I mean, okay, a little depressed, I guess," Sam sighed.

"Okay, any idea why?" Dr. Fuller asked as he wrote in his notepad.

"Probably because I started the apocalypse."

"The apocalypse?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"And you think you started it?" Dr. Fuller asked, looking at you and Dean who just smiled innocently.

"Well, yeah, I mean I killed this demon, Lilith, and I accidentally freed Lucifer from hell. So now, he's topside, and we're trying to stop him."

"Who is?"

"Me. And him. And her. And this one angel."

"Oh, you mean, like an angel on your shoulder."

"No, his name's Castiel. He wears a trench coat."

"See what I mean, Doc? The kid's been beating himself up about this for months. The apocalypse wasn't his fault."

"It's not?" Dr. Fuller asked, stunned.

"No. There was this other demon, Ruby. She got him addicted to demon blood, and near the end, he was practically chugging this stuff," you chuckled, adding in your two cents.

"My brother's not evil. He was just... high... yeah? So, could you fix him up so we can get back to traveling around the country and hunting monsters?"

"I really have an itching to kill some demons and Lucifer. I mean, we did shoot him, but he lived and is now going to come after me because apparently, I'm connected to his aunt or something."

"Lucifer's... aunt?"

"Yeah. Her name is Amara."

"Irma," Dr. Fuller said when he picked up his phone and dialed an extension, "cancel my lunch."

All three of you gave the doctor comforting and warm smiles which only concerned him more.


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