🎄christmas with them🎄

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A/n: Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it! If you don't, I hope you're enjoying some time off from work/school/life and enjoy this special chapter!

Kudo Shinichi:

• For once, his parents actually come home.

• You'll pop over to their house after spending Christmas with your family and spend the rest of the day with him.

• He might beat you to it and stay at your place.

• Expect much teasing from both sides of the family.

• "Aren't you two just the cutest couple ever?"

• "Be sure to invite me to the wedding!"

• "Can you guys just shut up for once?"

• Anyways mans loaded af, so he gets you a hella expensive gift. Fancy jewelry? A new video game console? State-of-the-art gaming PC? Done, done, and done!

• Of course, if you just want a new book or two, then he can get that as well.

• S̶u̶g̶a̶r̶ d̶a̶d̶d̶y̶ S̶h̶i̶n̶i̶c̶h̶i̶ 😳

• You'll spend the day in your pajamas, opening the presents you got for each other and watching Christmas movies.

• At some point, you'll get the urge to bake Christmas cookies.

• Don't let Shinichi into the kitchen though. He'll probably burn the whole house down or make your kitchen look like a tornado made of cookie dough and chocolate chips went through it.

• In the evening, you guys go ice skating and get hot chocolate once you're done.

Hattori Heiji:

• He usually spends Christmas with his family, but it's usually just him and his mom at home because his dad works.

• So, you invite him over.

• He jumps at the opportunity and legit spends all of winter break at your house.

• Christmas Eve consists of decorating the tree and house. He wants to do the stupidest, cheesiest combinations possible while you don't. In return, he hides all the decorations on the top shelves where you can't reach them.

• Jokes on him, you used a chair to get them, and now the house is completely decorated in your style. He can't say no after you give him the puppy dog eyes.

• He's definitely the type of person to wrap presents in a way that makes it look like something else entirely, good or bad. Your take.

• On Christmas Day, he'll probably wake you up by jumping on the bed and shaking you until you're awake and ready to murder him.

• You both open your presents together in bed. Both of you obviously got each other matching ugly Christmas sweaters and you wear them for the rest of the day.

• Snowball fights later on. You're welcome 😔🤚

Kuroba Kaito:

• He doesn't have very good memories of Christmas, to be honest.

• After his dad died, he spent every Christmas with Aoko, but it just wasn't the same.

• So it's up to you to change that!

• He goes over to your house every year because he doesn't want to stay in his cold, empty house for the two weeks he has off.

• Christmas-themed magic tricks to bedazzle and wow your family while he's there. Bonus points if you've got younger family members. They're going to try and steal him away from you, so you're gonna have to fight for your man back.

• Plot twist: He could always just say no to them, but he doesn't because he likes seeing you all jealous. He thinks it's cute.

• Enjoys helping you bake Christmas cookies in the kitchen. By helping, he means sneaking bites of cookie dough whenever he can and tossing flour at you.

• Quiet evenings spent cuddling with you on the couch while a Christmas movie is playing in the background are some of his most cherished moments during the holiday season.

• After opening presents, you two will go sledding and warm up with hot chocolate and hot apple cider afterward

Hakuba Saguru:

• This bastard (I say this lovingly) is also loaded, so he probably takes you with him back to England each year to see his family. He thinks the way they celebrate Christmas in England is superior to the way it's celebrated in Japan.

• He'll take you shopping for whatever you want. Secretly enjoys the way your face lights up in childish delight whenever you see all the pretty lights decorating the shopping districts.

• Warning: A bunch of girls will probably try and steal your man. Luckily, he's only got eyes for you and will politely tell them he's not interested.

• Like I said earlier, he's going to buy you anything you want. Fancy jewelry? New phone? Presents for everybody on your list? A ball gown you can twirl around in just for the sake of feeling like a princess? You got it.

• Ofc he will hold doors open for you and carry all your shopping bags.

• A true gentleman 😔

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