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Hey guys!

In light of the new Covid-19 outbreak, I just want to remind you guys of a few safety measures that you guys should take!

• First and foremost, please wash your hands! This is the best way to combat the outbreak and will slow it down tremendously if everyone does so.

• Please cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. If available, try and grab a tissue before you sneeze. Not only will this spread the virus if you're a carrier, but it's also just disgusting.
- The other day, a friend of mine coughed without covering her mouth and I legit just yeeted away to the other end of the table.
-She just choked on something that's all 😂
- But still.

• Avoid going outside, especially in large public places where tons of people usually meet. Places like this include the store and the library. If you do, please be mindful of the surfaces you touch. Wear gloves, as it's possible for this virus to spread from hand to hand or surface to hand contact.
- If you bring something home from the outside world, such as a book from the library, wipe it down with disinfectant wipes if applicable. It's unknown how long this strain of Coronavirus can last on surfaces, but researchers speculate anywhere from an hour or two to three days before it dies, but there are other Coronavirus strains that have been known to last for up to nine days or more. Better safe than sorry, my friends.

• If school or work hasn't been canceled for any of you, keep your distance from people, especially if they appear to be ill. Can't risk taking any chances with these circumstances.
- If applicable, wash or at least sanitize your hands in every period and especially before lunch.

• Unless you have an underlying respiratory condition, such as asthma, or an already-compromised immune system, you don't need one of those masks. Our first responders and people working in the medical and health care field need them the most, where they're constantly being exposed to sick people.

• Avoid touching your face. Specifically, your eyes, nose, and mouth.

• Clean high-traffic surfaces, such as doorknobs and keyboards.

• Drink water by the gallon. It's recommended that you take a sip every fifteen minutes or so. The reason behind this is if there's any trace of the virus in your mouth, the water will wash it down to your stomach, where the acid there will kill it.

• Is it the common cold, the flu, allergies, or the virus itself? Here are some ways to check:
- If you have a runny nose with a "wet" cough (if there's mucus coming up when you cough), it's just the common cold. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
- The flu has a shorter incubation period compared to the virus. So if you start throwing up out of nowhere when you felt fine the day before, chances are, it's the flu. The Coronavirus has a longer incubation period; therefore, the symptoms will set in more gradually.
- If you're a child and you're sick, it's most likely the cold or flu. The virus doesn't impact children as much as it does the very young or elderly.
- Hay fever/allergies have a hallmark sign of itching. The Coronavirus doesn't have that. Additionally, fever and shortness of breath aren't symptoms of allergies either.

• Coronavirus fricking hates the sun. At a temperature of about 77 degrees Fahrenheit/ 26-27 degrees Celsius, it'll die. If you suspect something is contaminated, put it outside in the sun or warm weather for a few hours.

• If you have any suspicion at all, any, go see your healthcare provider immediately and try to get tested to see if you have the virus, if you have the ability.
- If you do have it, isolate yourself and seek care immediately if your symptoms are worse. Make sure your caregiver is wearing full protective equipment, such as gloves and a mask.

• Be informed. Every day, more and more is being discovered about the virus. Check the CDC and WHO websites for updates and how to better protect yourself.

• All in all, take the same health precautions you'd take for the flu. Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced and healthy diet, and get plenty of rest. I know everyone is scared and terrified, but make wise decisions and we can ride out this pandemic together!

• Stay strong guys! I know we can push through this!

"𝒯𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓎'𝓈 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂" -Gosho boys x readerWhere stories live. Discover now