🕊repentance and salvation🕊 angel!kuroba kaito x reader

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Plot synopsis: He did you a favor a long time ago, and now he has come to collect.

An angel!Kaito AU.

Warnings: Angst, not proofread we die like men.

This is sort of a vent chapter. I recommend listening to the song above for maximum angst feels.

The first time you had seen him, you were five years old. He had small white wings on his back that were almost completely hidden from view and had big violet eyes that reminded you of the color of the sky at sundown.

You had woken up to the smell of something burning; sour and pungent. The air in your bedroom felt strangely hot and sticky as well. Something crackled and popped outside your wall.

With a start, you had realized your house was burning down.

"Don't try and escape through your bedroom door," he said as you scrambled out of bed and ran for the exit. You stopped halfway there and glanced back at him, confused.

"It's the only thing between you and the fire."

He unlatched your window and gestured toward it.

"Jump. Don't worry, you'll be safe."

With no time to doubt his words, your little five-year-old self vaulted out the window, the air whistling in your ears as you plummeted five stories to the ground.

It all happened so fast. One moment you were hurtling to your surefire demise and the next, you were sitting on your bottom, perfectly fine without a single hair out of place.

People had chalked it up to a miracle: a blessing from God. A five-year-old falling five stories and landing in perfect condition? It was the only plausible explanation.

You later learned that your dad had attempted to commit suicide by setting the house on fire with the intent to take you with him. When asked how you survived the fall, your naive five-year-old mind told them an angel had saved you.

They didn't believe you. Jaded adults held no such belief in childish thoughts like that.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell them that an angel had saved you. You had been sent to multiple psychiatrists and had to deal with the relentless torment from your classmates during your school years. This was followed up with a constant depression you wished would just go away.

But it wasn't so bad. You had grown to appreciate the sense of being alone. Besides, how could you be alone when he occupied your every waking thought? Even years later, you could still remember every detail of his face. He resembled the Ancient Greek statues, carved in the name of perfection.

You couldn't forget a face as perfect as that. He was beautiful, but not in a human sense. He was beautiful in an empyrean and divine sense; cold and distant.

Which led you to where you were right now.

It was evening and you were no longer five years old. You were a young adult now with a job and living an ordinary life. Just as it should be.

On the surface, it seemed as if you had left the past behind you.

A rustle of wings behind you made you look over your shoulder to see him.

"Took you long enough," you commented. "I thought you'd forgotten."

He had changed too. He no longer had the rounded, cherubic cuteness when you had first seen him. He had grown into a man and was now taller, leaner. His jawline was clearly defined and you could make out the ripple of muscles underneath his thin shirt. His wings were larger now, probably the span of your arm, if not more.

The wind howled in your ears and the lights of the city twinkled beneath you as you got up and walked over to him.

"You know why I'm here, right?"

You swallowed and nodded.

"To collect an owed debt."

"Any last ends to meet before we go?"

"One question," you whispered.

"Why did you save me back then?"

He stepped closer and rested his forehead against yours.

"Because I saw myself in you. I saw what could've happened to you if your father succeeded in taking you along with his suicide attempt."

Your breath hitched in your throat and you wrapped your arms around him. He pulled you close, running his hand through your hair. He was cold, but not in an unpleasant way. It provided a nice relief.

"Where are we going?" you asked even though you already knew the answer. His wings were large enough now that they were able to wrap around you both. You found the feathery warmth to be comforting like a safety blanket.

"To a better place."

"I'm scared," you whispered, voice cracking and tears slipping down your cheeks despite your best attempts. You cling to his white shirt and bury your face into his shoulder. You feel his strong back muscles flex as he pulls you closer and kisses your forehead.

"Don't be. It's a short journey and you'll be there before you know it.

"Now, close your eyes."

With a light tap of his foot, you two were falling, falling, falling toward the city lights. The air rushed past your ears and lifted your hair. His grip tightened around your waist even more, if that was possible. In response, you cling to him and find solace in his strangely familiar scent.

"You know, I never managed to get your name," you said, somehow managing to make yourself heard over the sounds of the city.

"It's Kuroba. Kuroba Kaito."

"Will you stay with me even after I'm gone? I'd like to get to know you better."

"This is the end for me as well, (y/n). My death was set in stone the moment I saved you from your death that day."

You felt the words die on your parched tongue.

"Then, can we meet again in another life?"

He managed a weak smile, yet it was the most alluring thing you'd ever seen in your life. His violet eyes, still the same shade you remembered, filled with the tender warmth you missed.

"We will. I promise."

Both of you knew it was utter bullshit. But aside from the tenderness of his embrace and the feeling of his lips pressed against yours, it was the only comfort you had.

Gazing into his gentle eyes as the world crumbled before you and all went black, you came to an important realization.

You were each other's salvation and repentance.

The ending is crap I'm sorry 🤡

Word count: 1111 words

Page count: 10 pages

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