🏠 there's someone in your house🏠 yandere!saguru x reader

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A/n: Inspired by a hella creepy Tiktok that I saw at like 9:30 pm the other day. Wasn't the best idea lmao 😂

⚠️Warning: Includes swearing⚠️

It was winter break, and you and your bestie Aoko decided to have a sleepover at your house.

Sounded nice, right?

Yeah, nice. Nice up until this point, where you and Aoko were currently locked inside your room, praying for your lives.

It had started at around 3:30 am. You weren't able to sleep and had finally managed to get a little nap, only to wake up abruptly a few minutes later. You had an odd feeling in your gut, as if something was wrong. Frowning, you listened for anything out of the ordinary. All you heard was Aoko's gentle snoring from the other side of the bed.

Then you heard it. The sound of the front door opening. Or something that sounded like it.

What the almighty fuck? was the only thought racing through your head.

You reached over and roughly shook Aoko awake.

"Yo, Aoko, wake up!"

"Wh- what's this all about, (y/n)?" she hissed.

"I think there's someone in the house."

She froze at your words. "You're joking, right?"

"Why would I? I just woke up and heard what sounded like the front door opening. It was locked when we went to sleep, so..."

Aoko pulled the blankets closer to her. "What do we do..?"

You grabbed your phone off the nightstand and turned on the flashlight, searching for anything that could be used as a weapon. "First, make sure it's actually an intruder and not something stupid."

Nothing in your room could be used as a weapon. Pillows? Uh, no. Stuffed animals? Fat chance. Your best bet was the phone's flashlight, where you'd at least have a chance of blinding the dude or whatever it was.

Then you remembered the baseball bats and Nerf guns in your brother's room. Those bats were made of metal and Nerf guns hurt like hell, as you had learned from experience.

Problem was, that was down the hall. It wasn't that far away, but you weren't sure if you could do it.

You got up and put your slippers on.

"(Y/n)?" whispered Aoko. "Where are you going?"

"My brothers room. He's moved out and there's a bunch of stuff in there that could be used as weapons. Stay here and text me if you hear whatever that is coming up the stairs."

She nodded and you took your phone, setting out.

Up until this point, you had never noticed just how creepy your house seemed. And cold. You shivered as you baby-stepped the twenty feet to your brother's room.

There's a creaky floorboard around here somewhere, you thought as you stuck your foot out and placed some weight on it. It didn't make any sound, so you proceeded ahead.

You were about five feet away from your doorstep when bad luck decided to be a bitch and a floorboard creaked obnoxiously loudly under your foot.
Your house was dead silent so that was basically the same decibel as a scream.

You froze, glued to the spot. Your armpits were sweaty and you eyed the stairwell. You didn't hear anything for the next ten seconds, so you assumed you were good.

"𝒯𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓎'𝓈 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂" -Gosho boys x readerWhere stories live. Discover now