🚀there is one impostor among us (pt. 6)🚀

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A/n: Listen to the song above as you read. It'll make this chapter hit different with vibes off the chart. Headphones are recommended.

"It wasn't me! I swear!"

"In times like these, words like that do you no good!"

What had started as a minor disagreement had escalated into a full-blown argument complete with taunts and questions poking holes into each other's alibis.

You covered Conan's ears due to some of the not-so-savory language flying across the table at the moment.

"What about (y/n) over there, huh? She's been awfully quiet the entire time!"

You glared at who had just spoken. It was Kazuha.

"Mind you," you snap icily. "I was with Shinichi the entire time."

He nodded. "That is true, Kazuha. She was also with me when the oxygen sabotage went off, therefore, if what Koizumi-san was true, then she is not the impostor, for we were both looking at the security camera footage at the time. I suggest you find someone else to pick on. Speaking of which, what were you doing at the time?"

"Y'all saw what I was doing! I was on my way to prevent the sabotage!"

"But you weren't actually in admin or oxygen, were you?"

You decided to intervene at that point, having enough of Kazuha's blame game with everything being pinned onto you.

"When we passed by, you were in the hallway by the cafeteria and admin, where Ran was found dead. It could've been all too easy for you to kill her and run off, pretending to fix the sabotage!"

"But Kuroba was in admin! He would've seen me!"

"How did you know he was in admin?" you demanded. "From where you were, you wouldn't be able to see inside the office, especially not where he was standing."

Heated voices, spiked tensions, blame being passed, and pinned onto everyone.

The vote ended in a tie. You had voted for Kazuha, Kazuha had voted for you, while Kaito and Shinichi had voted for each other.

No one was ejected. (Tie)

One impostor remains.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


It's getting worse if that's even possible. Ran was found dead earlier yesterday in the hallway by admin and the cafeteria. I remember that she had just been killed recently because she was still warm to the touch and that there was a trickle of blood flowing out of her mouth that still had a liquid consistency. Strange, even. She was alive and well earlier that day. I can still remember walking in on her doing her makeup in the bathroom when we woke up. She offered to do mine as well. Her distinctive scent of peach and strawberry perfume haunts me at every waking hour. I actually found a bottle of her perfume by her nightstand and I keep it with me as a reminder of who she used to be.

At this point, all I can wonder is, how did this happen? I can still remember the day we boarded the ship, in high spirits, and full of trust within each other; trusting that we'd make it to Polus alive for the next step of our mission.

Now that Ran, one of my biggest friends and the one who trusted me the most up until now, is gone, I don't know what to do.

I'm scared. Each time I start a new task, I'm always looking over my shoulder to see if anyone's going to stab me. Every time I see a door, I run through it, hoping I'll make it in time before it closes shut on me and traps me within the confines of the impostor's plan. Especially in electrical. That place makes me sweat buckets now. I can't stand going into there for my tasks anymore. And every night, when I go to sleep, I always make sure to fall asleep after Kazuha. She does the same thing, but I usually end up winning. (Take that, Toyama). Heiji once told me that she could sleep through even a zombie apocalypse, so I doubt she's awake at the time of writing this.

"𝒯𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓎'𝓈 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂" -Gosho boys x readerWhere stories live. Discover now