😂the power of god and anime😂 kuroba kaito x reader (crack-ish)

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A/n: Inspired by this: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vTYLwpaMI/?igshid=sty8e9keqrcc

You groggily blinked your eyes open and took a look at your surroundings, questioning reality. You had just woken up from the weirdest dream ever. It consisted of your boyfriend Kaito quoting cursed memes while you begged him to stop.

Sounds like something he would do, you thought to yourself. You shifted a bit and took a look at the digital alarm clock sitting on your nightstand. 12:20 am.

Sighing, you rolled over and tried to force yourself back asleep. Though, after that cursed of a dream, you doubted you would.

Then you heard the muffled voices.

That jolted you awake instantly. You wondered who the hell was making all that noise and in your house at that. If it was a burglar, then they sucked at their job.

Then you remembered. Kaito was staying over and was sleeping in your older brother's room.

The voices continued. You were getting rather irritated at this point, so you flung the covers off and set off to chastise Kaito and tell him to sleep. You grabbed your phone at the last second off the nightstand where it was charging.

You shuffled along the hall, the sole nightlight illuminating your way. At the end of the hall was your brother's room. You placed your hand on the doorknob and stopped shy of flinging it open. Kaito was saying something. Sounded like a cursed meme.

A lightbulb moment hit you. Opening up the camera on your phone, you found the video option and hit "record".

"There we go," you whisper, snickering to yourself before slowly cracking the door open, inch by inch. "Now I can blackmail him with this."

You did not expect what greeted your eyes. Kaito was waving around two lightsabers and striking flashy poses.

"Don't mess with me!"

He spun on his heel and spun the blue lightsaber around his head.

You had heard this meme so many times and you knew what was coming next.

"I got the power of god and anime on my side!" you both say in unison as you enter the room and close the door loudly behind you. Right as Kaito did the splits. And pointed the red lightsaber at you.

You lost it at that point. You leaned against the doorframe and started wheezing uncontrollably, clutching your stomach. You couldn't catch your breath and tears threatened to spill out of your eyes.

"Oh god, (y/n)! Why'd you have to see that?!"

You couldn't answer his question as you were still dying from laughter.

"Th-that was beautiful, Kaito!" you managed to gasp in between your wheezing laughs.

Kaito pulled himself up from the splits and walked over to you, dropping the lightsabers on the bed.

"You were amazing, Kaito!" you said, trying to tease him.

"Sh-shut up!" His face was the brightest shade of red you'd ever seen.

You managed to calm down a bit. "I see you have discovered my brother's collection of Star Wars merch from when he was an edgy teenager." Your brother was out of the house now since he had gone off to college.

"I was lying awake since I couldn't sleep when I noticed this box just lying off to the side. I got kind of curious and started looking through it and see the lightsabers."

You picked up the red lightsaber and tossed the blue one to Kaito. You two battled it to the death for a bit.

"Your brother won't mind that I've gone through his stuff, right?" asked Kaito.

"Nah, he's off at college now. He'd probably be happy that his stuff can be put to good use."

You flopped onto the bed and groaned. "I can't sleep though... after you woke me up. Speaking of sleep, I had this really weird dream that involved you."

Kaito has walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He ruffled your hair affectionately. "What was it about?"

"It was so cursed. You were quoting memes and I was begging for you to stop by everything that is good and holy. Not too different from what you did just now."

He snickered and gently pinched your cheek. "Speaking of not being able to sleep, I think I can help resolve that."

"How so?" you ask.

"Wanna cuddle?"

"Aw hell yeah," you mutter. Kaito lifted the covers and scooted closer to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you right next to him. You tossed your phone onto the ground and snuggled closer, pressing your ear against his chest and listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you, you know that right, (y/n)?

"Of course I do, you big dummy," you whisper, kissing his jawline. "I love you too."

You were almost asleep when you remembered something.

"Hey, Kaito?


"I recorded your entire little thing back there with the lightsabers."

"... Oh no you did not."

"Yes, I did. And I'm using it to blackmail you from now on."

"Don't you dare."

I was trying so hard not to burst out laughing while I was writing this 😂

Word count: 841 words

Page count: 9 pages

Sad, angsty Shinichi one shot up next.


"𝒯𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑒𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓎'𝓈 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂" -Gosho boys x readerWhere stories live. Discover now