Chapter 8: Grace

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"Come back. I know you're watching!" I yelled trying to get Drew's attention again. I heard the door slam open.

"Had time to digest, little sis?" He asked.

"Yes, I think she spoke of you." I said remembering what I did seconds ago. On the nights dear old mum would get drunk after dad left to wherever the fuck he went.

"Okay let's see then." He said crossing his arms in front of me. I looked at him confused and he leaned in once more. "It's an act what I'm doing I won't hurt you; I care about you." He said and pulled away putting that smirk on his face, he seems to get famous for by the second. I looked deeply into his eyes seeing no sign of any judgment, revenge he was being genuine or at least I think that's what that is, I nodded slightly.

"She spoke of this bundle of joy she once lost. She said she had it for 10 months and a day. She said a demon came and took him away." I said remembering one of the many days she told me this.

13 years ago...

I am so bored, I have been up here watching the movie dad sat me up with before he left for the night. He always leaves on Friday nights instead of playing with me, I want to play. No one around here is around my age so I don't have anyone to play with. I jumped down off the couch and grabbed my blankie, I never leave it anywhere, always taking it with me. I walked down the stairs from my room careful to avoid the creaks, I memorized. I walked into the kitchen thinking about grabbing a snack and book and going to my tree.

"Hey Grace." I heard the weird drawn-out voice. I turned walking to the dining room.

"Hey Mommy! Can we play?" I asked jumping up and down.

"No, we can't child. Mommy's remembering." She slurred sitting down in a chair with a thump.

"What are we remembering?" I asked and stood beside her and I saw a bottle in her hand. "Mommy what's this?" I asked grabbing the bottle, she slapped my hand gently taking it back.

"You can't drink this until you are old enough, child. It makes mommy's head fuzzy to not remember." She said and she started drawing imaginary lines on the table.

"What are we not remembering?" I asked her and pulled out another chair sitting at the head of the table.

"A long time ago before you were born, I had a bundle of joy..." She trailed off and I remembered in school we were learning about past and pretenses.

"Mommy, you said 'had' what happened to it?" I asked her and I watched a tear roll down her face.

"A demon took him away." She answered looking to me sad.

"What's a demon?" I asked confused.

"You'll learn, child. You'll learn." She said and brought the bottle to her lips.

"I don't know what she meant by demon but my dad told me she didn't want me." He spoke pulling me out of the memory.

"She never called me her daughter; it was always child." I said remembering what she called. "Nothing else just child. On Friday nights she would get drunk and dad would go out." I explained to him. I'm pretty sure the people that did know, knew exactly what dad was doing.

"I didn't know." He said shrugging.

"Are you going to tell me what roped you into this?" I asked, I have been trying to get him to tell me ever since a couple minutes earlier when he walked in saying around this time would be the only time we could talk. He said Blake was asleep and every morning he would walk in and talk to me.

"I can't afford too." He answered shaking his head and for a moment I saw something but before I could make it out, he blinked it away. "Not yet." He finished.

"What do you mean?" I was so confused right now; I feel I don't know my parents and I can swear I've seen this man before but I can't fucking place him.

"I have a plan, to get us all out alive." He said stepping to me. "I don't know when to trigger it just yet, but I'm coming up with something." He explained.

"What's up with the camera?" I asked gesturing with my hand, he reached up and pulled my binding lose. "What are you doing?" I asked him and he closed his eyes turning around after he loosened my hands. I loosened the straps holding my chest, legs and feet thankful for the platform my feet were resting on. My suspicions were right I was naked under the straps.

"You have to get a shower, here." He said and he pulled a robe out of seemingly nowhere and I pulled it on, he was still turned around. It was black similar to my own and came down to the tops of my knees.

"Okay." I said, he turned around and he held a hand and helped me down off the platform, my feet were a little numb but I'm thankful I didn't fall.

He pulled the door open and he stepped behind me as I walked through it. As we got out there just this empty room it was like besides the room, we were being kept in there was nothing. He nudged my shoulder for me to walk and I did and he sped up leading me to this door to a locker room?

"Where are we?" I asked him, but he wouldn't do nothing but grunt and he kept walking through and I saw shower stalls.

"Here, don't try anything I will get us out alive but don't try nothing please." He said pushing me in one and walked out standing beside the stall turned around back facing me.

"I won't" I mutter taking in the stall I saw a hook over to the side and hung up my robe. I turned the knob that was in front of me and hot water came out I adjusted the other knob slightly not really caring about the hot and stepped under it. "Why is it cold in there?" I asked making conversation as I let the hot water warm me up.

"I can turn the temp up some, I guess. I can't make any promises that Blake won't change it." I heard him say. 

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