Chapter 10: Grace

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He didn't look very happy with my response but he smiled nonetheless. My hair was still damp and a piece fell in front of my eyes, he reached up and I did my best not to recoil at his touch and he shoved it back in place. I however, couldn't hide my shiver as he moved away, he frowned his obscenely small lips tipped down at the sides. Looking at him with his freakishly blue eyes black spiky hair, thin lips, nose and obscenely small body I don't know how I was ever attracted to him.

"You don't have to be nervous around me." He said in a mock apology type tone, he drew his hands behind his back. My muscles tightened and I was nervous mostly because I couldn't see JJ or what he might be holding now.

"Okay." I quipped draw out the 'oh' a little longer. He pulled hands back around him with a flash.

"Don't hurt her!" I heard JJ yell and that's when I looked at the knife in Blake's hand. My stomach was in knots now, earlier he slashed open my arm what would he do now.

"It's ok, JJ." I said before Blake could turn around. He bristled and smiled at me nodding.

"Good you're already caring for him. Tell me Grace why did you run from me?" He asked fidgeting with the knife.

"You spent your time controlling me, I had to become who you wanted to put up with you for so damn long." I sighed out. "What can I do to get out of here?" I asked acting like I am willing to negotiate.

"I never controlled you, I just wanted to know where you were. Admit you're mine tell me you'll stay and I'll let you go." He explained and I immediately started shaking my head. "Come on, Grace don't make me hurt precious JJ." He said stepping over to the side and he held the knife at JJ's neck.

"No! Don't hurt him!" I pulled at my restraints. He smiled menacing and stepped away running his knife over his hand, fidgeting.

"Admit you're mine!" He ordered a little louder, and I could his anger in his eyes. I smiled laughing at him, I need to get his attention to me fully away from JJ.

"If you have to tie me up, take a child to keep me in line, do you really even have me?" I said laughing at him. He grabbed my chin hard in his grip snarling at me.

"You are mine! it's just taken all this to get you to realize!" He yelled in my face. He let my chin go and I opened and closed my mouth checking myself.

"Listen to yourself 'You are mine!' it's pretty pathetic, you said you weren't controlling me but you treat me like a possession." I said to him only I wasn't smiling now, buried in the memories of us.

"I only did what I had to!" He yelled, and his face was a pretty purple now and he was breathing heavily. 

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