Chapter 65: Nate

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"Oh yay. No more running guns for... two weeks." Sike spoke as we leveled in the air looking at her phone. She unbuckled her belt as did Grace.

"You say that like you don't like the job." Mateo spoke Sike looked at him then smiled.

"I do, I get to shoot when I want. I just have never gone anywhere." She smiled.

"Never left New York?" I asked and she looked at me shaking her head.

"Do want a fast rundown of what we are walking into?" Taylor asked and she shook her head with a smirk.

"I'm sure it will just be explained again later, I can take care of myself." She pointed at her crotch looking at Taylor whose eyes widened Taylor nodded.

"I can see that." She whispered and Sike chuckled. I leaned over whispering in Grace's ear.

"What did she just point at?" I asked and Grace shushed Luca who let out a cry.

"A gun." She answered and I nodded.

"There is a bedroom back there." Sike spoke, pointing behind us and Grace nodded standing up. JJ was playing on his tablet Grace bought for him. I got up and so did Mateo we followed him and he opened the door to a bedroom we stepped through. Grace laid Luca down on the bed, unwrapping him out of his blanket and held his hands.

"Hey baby. Mommy loves you." She cooed kissing his forehead and he smiled up at her. The bedroom was a decent size for being on a plane. Mateo sat down on the chair watching her with a smile and I sat down beside her.

"Are you nervous?" Mateo asked.

"Not really. I thought I would be but I'm not." Grace answered. "Okay yeah, I think someone needs a diaper change." She spoke. Mateo walked out coming back in with the diaper bag, Grace leaned down grabbing a diaper and some wipes.

We were now landing on the outskirts of Wolfden, in an abandoned parking lot by a mall. Sike said they try their best to stay off people's radar. I looked out and saw two cars waiting on us. Sike was holding a big black bag she said had the guns in it. Grace made me and Mateo get dressed we were wearing black t-shirts with holes in it and blue jeans. Clothing wasn't much different from ours back home but I didn't like blue jeans as much as I liked dress and sweat pants.

"How did you swing this?" Sike asked me and I looked at her confused.

"Skinner didn't do this?" I asked and she shook her head, Taylor walked around us jumping in the car flipped down the visor and shook her head getting out.

"Paranoid freak." She muttered. Mateo was walking up to us with Luca asleep in his carrier JJ at his side and Grace.

"Not in the visor?" Grace asked and Taylor shook her head. Grace looked at Sike. "Can you hold this?" Sike nodded and took the bag. She turned around and laid down on her back and looked under the front of the car. She held her hand up dangling some keys and Taylor took them from her and helped her up.

"Bucky, so paranoid." Taylor shook her head with a smirk, she went over to the other car finding the same.

"How did you know the keys would be under the front?" I asked her and she turned to me.

"I have borrowed cars from him several times, he's to paranoid to put them in the car sometimes thinking someone will take it before we get to them." She waved her hand around and I smirked. Sike handed her the bag back and we all loaded up. Sike rode in the front seat beside Grace, me, Mateo and Luca in the back Taylor and JJ riding in the other car.

"Where are we going?" Mateo asked and Grace smirked.

"Bucky's to get information first." She said and started the car, and drove off. We passed by the welcome sign and went down so back roads; I saw several small buildings that looked abandoned. Old hotels signs hanging, it looked like old outlet malls, several old shops some still with mannequins in the windows. She stopped at an intersection with one other turn beside the road in front of us, she turned left.

"Where is this guy?" Sike muttered looking around. Once we got past that it was a long stretch of nothing and the road started looking worse. It looked like we were in the middle of nowhere.

"He's paranoid, he's probably watching us right now. He has eyes everywhere; he stays in this old house." Grace said pointing at a picture I never noticed on the visor, it was taped there. There was a yellow house on the front the picture looked old and had creases from where it had been bent before placed there.

"Is this how he told you where to go?" I asked pointing at, she nodded.

"Ah, here it is." She said pulling down this rock road, with Beware signs and Private Property signs. I'm trying not to think anything keeping my mind very clear, I am not thinking about danger, or anything besides the fact that as long as she feel alright and I can tell she does we are ok. I'm not thinking anything.

I looked behind us and Taylor was still there. Once she got to the end of the driveway, there was the same yellow, old looking house in the picture, it had a blue roof, an old swing that had plants growing through it in front of the porch, the porch that looked old, and had what looked like rotting boards. The house was pretty bare, the paint chipping off of the house, and faded. Grace turned to Luca, then looked at me then Mateo.

"We are safe here; this is neutral ground we can all get out." She spoke and we nodded. I got out and heard Mateo get out, he rounded the car holding Luca, Sike was standing beside Grace.

"The guns are in the bag I put in the trunk." She whispered and Grace nodded heading to the trunk.

She got out three guns, giving one to Taylor, and one to me, seeing as Mateo was with the kids. I turned around putting it in the back of my pants. Grace putting hers in the back of pants too. I used to go shooting with my dad for fun, this was a Glock 19, pretty common, very durable could tell by the weight it was loaded. Grace closed to the trunk walking back up to Sike and stopped with Taylor sighing.

"Let's see what he's going to get us to do to open that door." Taylor sighed and they started walking. What is she talking about? 

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