Chapter 75: Grace

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I got up early waiting for Bucky and I heard the knock at the door, I answered the door and Bucky stepped through wearing a hoodie, black cap, and jeans. He took off his hoodie walking in I closed the door behind him. I walked around him seeing him put his cap on a chair following me into the living room. I was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Mateo, was sitting on the piano chair, Sike and Taylor on the couch, leaving me and him the two stools from the usual four in the kitchen.

"I need details." I spoke and he nodded, sitting on one of the stools.

"What do you need to know?" He asked not batting an eye.

"Is Sweetness just trying to power grab the top or is he after something specific?" I asked and he sighed running his hand through his hair.

"Grace, the top dog wants you, they call him Hex, they say if you see him, he is either one, going to make you crazy, or two kill you. Hence why he is called Hex. If he is looking for you there is pretty good chance the Ghosts are looking for a power grab. I have not seen this Hex person; I don't know who he is no one really has." Bucky explained and I nodded.

"Why does he want to see me?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I have not heard why; I just know some of his men have told me he wants to see you." Bucky started the back of his neck.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked, and I was glad everyone in here was just being silent letting this play out between us two.

"Hex isn't one to be a man of his word and more importantly, be careful I can not stress this enough, because no one and I mean no one I can find knows what he looks like." He answered and I nodded. "You know already know what his men done to me." He spoke lifting up his shirt showing me the skin with a scar on his stomach like a jagged knife mark but it was much worse. His whole stomach was ripped open from the scraps of metal. The doctor was surprised there was enough skin left to close him up, he put his shirt down and stood up walking to me.

"Be careful. Do not let no one know you are here unless you have a damn good plan." He urged and I nodded.

"Hey Bucky." I spoke and he turned around. "Is there a day when the Ghosts or whatever are not in the funhouse?" I asked and he nodded.

"Wednesdays they go back on Thursday mornings never any other week maybe to make up for the time away." He answered standing beside me.

"Is there any chance if I let myself or someone close get taken you can stall whatever to where no one can reach anyone?" I asked an idea popping into my head and he arched a brow.

"That's.... Quite smart actually let me see what I can come up with." He nodded looking quite impressed. I remembered a time where one of his customers walked in looking one of those switch things to turn off a phone signal. "It shouldn't be too hard small town like this not very up to date on technology." He thought mumbling he turned walking for the door and I let him knowing he didn't like sitting one spot once. I heard the front door click and I stood up, Sike walked to me.

"Something clicked. What is it?" She asked and I sighed.

"If Bucky can stall the phone lines in or around the funhouse, I think we can get in there get information and leave." I spoke and she nodded. "They need an outlet or else they may not talk so I will go into town raise hell around the funhouse and wait for them to get me." I said and Mateo darted to me, holding my shoulders.

"Fuck no." He shook his head and Sike stepped back. "You were already gone once not again." He spoke pushing me against a wall. I sighed not caring that Taylor and Sike were watching.

"I don't want you to get hurt." I said kicking the wall behind me. He gripped my throat harder.

"I will come back to you." He grumbled his voice laced with venom.

"You can't guarantee that!" I yelled.

"You can't guarantee that Hex won't get to you before we do!" He yelled back and I felt tears going down my cheeks. He let me go and I shrunk down to the floor. I wrapped my arms around my legs holding myself together outwardly while I felt apart on the inside. I couldn't catch their voices anymore; I know that if they all agreed I wouldn't have a say. Mateo would do whatever to keep me safe and I looked up.

"We can go home." I whispered and they all stopped talking. "Come on, we can just go home, we only came here for Trent." I spoke getting up.

"Are you sure that's best?" Sike asked and I looked towards her. "If this Hex guy wants you, he might find you anyway in New York and we will just be going through this again." She explained and I nodded. I knew she was right.

"Then we shouldn't block them from finding Mateo or whoever we are going to send in..." I said and they all arched a brow. "If we kill Trent get whoever and leave that doesn't take care of Hex, we leave everything open and let them find whoever." I said gesturing to nothing in particular. I felt my tears drying on my face.

"How are we going to take care of Ghosts and the Sirens?" Taylor whispered and I smiled.

"Nellie?" I asked and she arched a brow. "Her husband is a Serpent..." I whispered and her eyes widened.

"That's actually kind of smart." Taylor whispered picking up phone calling

"Who is this guy?" Sike asked and I looked down.

"Nellie's husband was known as Bullet, never missing a target. I assume that is why she knew a little bit about me and Blake." I whispered and she nodded. "He got shot maybe ten times, maybe twenty, not all at the same time, but after a while the leader made him stop and run small jobs." I explained and they nodded. Taylor stepped up to me her mouth open.

"After all these years, the son of a bitch wants to meet you." Taylor spoke and I smiled.

"Now we might have a plan I can go with." I spoke and I pointed at Mateo. "I don't like you going in." I said and he smiled but it was show I could see a hint of concern and fear.

"You wouldn't have to worry babe." He smiled and I looked away hearing footsteps come down the stairs Nate walking in. 

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