Chapter 22: Grace

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I woke up with a jolt, I wiped my eyes with the back of my thumb glad to still have the warm blanket wrapped around me. I could still feel JJ behind me, I opened my eyes finding Drew over me I arched a brow at him and he held up a robe. I looked over and JJ was looking the other way so I raised up taking it and he turned around while I put it on.

"I am going to need you to drive." He mumbled and I gaped at him.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I asked and he gestured to the door.

"I was able to come up with a plan, I am sorry I couldn't tell you last night." He said shrugging and I was even more surprised.

"Why couldn't you?" I asked and he turned looking back at me.

"I couldn't because there are details about this you are not going to like, at all." He answered. "You would have pushed until I told you and before you get mad yesterday, I found you almost dead." He finished. I looked up at him and realized he was right I would have pushed him and I was almost dead in the state I was in I probably wouldn't have been able to fully understand.

"Blake will come here to torture and you will stand against the side wall while I drug him, we need to get JJ back on the table though." He gestured to JJ. I nodded nudging JJ.

"JJ, JJ wake up." He groaned peering up at me and he smiled.

"You're ok." He said and I smiled wider for him.

"Yes, I'm ok. Listen we have a plan but we need you to get back on the table for Blake to come back, ok?" He surprisingly just nodding jumping down and walked back over. Drew tied him back down before turning to the door getting his lock off.

"Stay against the wall it will be any minute. Keep this code, you are going to a locker its to the right after you walk out third door on the right. Other prisoner is on the left across from the other." He said giving me a piece of paper I opened it up memorizing it. 2596. 2596. 2596. Once I was convinced, I remembered it gripped it tight hoping I wouldn't drop it during the scuffle that was about to happen. I looked at him and nodded.

"Goodluck." I mumbled and he looked at me. I stepped over standing against the wall behind JJ but enough to where Blake could see me when he opened it.

"I'm going to fucking need all the help I can get. Clothes are in the basket under the computer." He said and he looked at me with such determination before leaving. The door closed with a bang.

"How long will it be?" JJ murmured and I shook my head before remembering he couldn't see me.

"I don't know." I answered.

I started looking around in the basket finding me a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I shrugged and I stepped behind JJ before quickly getting dressed, grey sweats that were a couple sizes to big but had a drawstring and a white t-shirt I found a pair of flip flops, and child size slide on shoes. I had JJ lift up his feet putting on the shoes and I quickly stood behind JJ and neither one of us said a word listening for everything happening outside. He was only tied up around his chest and thighs so it was easy to put on the shoes. We heard a bang followed by another so loud I flinched each time, before taking a deep breath.

"What was that?" JJ whispered.

"I don't know we need to be quiet though." I whispered back.

The door was kicked open and in swaggered in Blake, now I know I am supposed to distract until Austin gets here. He looked to my table before looking straight at me and a shiver go down my spine. I tried my best to hold it back shaking my head at myself for not looking for something to stab or hit him with.

"What the fuck are you doing off your table?" He started towards me and I stood my ground.

"He let me go." I answered simply. He stopped in front of me

"He's an idiot." He swung at me and I ducked grabbing his arm. I swung it back and it went back to his side.

"Don't know where the hell that came from." I mumbled as he stared at me in shock. He tried grabbing my neck and I ducked once more walking in front of the computer.

"Come on, Grace. Let me touch you." He whined walking towards me and he moved to fast wrapping his arm around my neck pinning me to his front. I grabbed his arm and felt his other hand touch my boob, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths focusing on my breathing. I remembered my kid, my husbands, the kid in this room. I felt him spread his legs sitting me on his middle.

"Let her go!" JJ yelled his voice distorted. I opened my eyes just as he reached the bottom of my shirt and looked straight into the camera. I was not letting this happen, never.

"Hey, Blake. Stop please." I whined and he pulled my shirt up groaning and I could feel him harden behind me and I gagged. I smiled right at the camera I brought my foot up feeling me kick his nuts and he let me go letting me breath again. I turned around looking at him as he fell and Drew stumbled in front of the door.

"Go." He tossed me the keys. "The exit is by the door with the code, exit is up the stairs." I untied JJ and he jumped down as Blake got back up and grabbed my foot, Drew kicked his arm making him let go and I saw him stumble. "Don't worry about me." He gestured to the door and I saw a bit of panic in his eyes. I gave the keys to JJ and helped Drew get Blake up. Drew stabbed him with a needle injecting something and his eyes closed fairly quickly.

"Like hell." I mumbled and I tied his right side while Drew did his left.

"Go, I have to stay, until help comes. Go. Grace, go straight home nowhere else, this plan will be ruined if you go anywhere else." I hesitated looking at him as he stumbled again. "Go!" He yelled and I jumped into action JJ handed me the keys, and code, following me.

"Right, third door on the right." I mumbled over and over finding a code on a door. I put in the code and opened it. 

I'm Theirs (Book 2/2 of the Desire Duet)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant