Chapter 94: Mateo

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"Please tell me she gave you her personal phone number." Sike leaned over speaking to Grace and Grace shook her head. "Fuck it." Sike left the room, in a hurry and Grace looked out of the window.

"She's going for it." Grace commented and Nate walked over. JJ was still standing at the door and I smiled at him and he walked over.

"Mateo, are you ok?" He asked and Nate turned around coming back sitting on a stool Castillo left beside my bed. JJ climbed onto the bed sitting beside me.

"Yes, I'm ok buddy just hurt my leg, and ribs." I explained, and he nodded with a frown. Grace was talking to Luca in hushed voices.

"Wish people around me would quit getting hurt." He whispered and Nate moved closer to him and I held his hand.

"This was not your fault; I did this purposefully buddy." I said and he looked up at me with wide eyes. "If I didn't do this someone would have hurt Grace again." I explained and he looked at me and then Nate who nodded. "None of what happened so far has never been your fault." I assured him and he smiled, and my heart fluttered like it did when I was holding Luca.

"I know, it just feels like it has been." He said looking down and I nodded.

"JJ, you don't have to feel that way it wasn't your fault." Nate spoke and he nodded looking back up at us. Grace turned walking closer standing beside Nate who took Luca. "Hey Luca. How's Taylor?" He asked looking at me.

"She was panicking over Grace and you, I finally got her to go to bed before I left. Nellie was there too, there was no need for her to be awake with the kids asleep." I said and Grace nodded. She has become sort of like my sister and I like having her around as annoying as she can be sometimes.

I liked this even though I am in pain, I'm trying my best to ignore it looking a JJ in his jeans and dinosaur shirt, Nate in his black shirt and jeans, Grace in the same. Luca was in Nate's arms; Nate was smiling down at him.

"Let's go home please." I ordered and Grace laughed.

"Which one?" She asked and I sighed.

"Preferably our real one." I said and she smiled, the door opened and Vince walked in standing beside Grace at the foot of the bed.

"Ok so we want to know if you want to speak with your father." He spoke and Grace immediately shook her head.

"Listen, I don't know if you people are going to think I am cold but frankly I don't care. Knowing that the man who walked around my house and ate cereal with me and raised me controlled every aspect of the absolute hell I have been raised in, it turns off everything I did have with him. He wanted to hurt me, by taking my husband and just wanted me to show up so he could control my life again. I don't know what else is going on but like I said I don't care." She said and Vince nodded.

"Understood. You are free to go but I would like to say it was great speaking with you all, and I do hope you come back, this town will be turning around in the next few weeks." He said backing and Grace nodded. He left the room and Grace sighed when the door closed.

"Baby you can go talk to him if you want." Nate spoke before I could. She shook her head.

"When I saw his eyes, he looked at me... He was not the person who raised me, hell I think I raised myself but still, that was not the person I knew." She sat down by my feet. "I just don't understand, had he been that way the whole time? I get how he found time to do what he did he left every Friday night didn't come back till Monday every week." She spoke and my insides tightened, her life must have been so hard yet she was talking about it like it was another day of the week.

"You saw your dad?" JJ asked and she nodded smiling at him.

"Yes and no, he was there but he wasn't the person I once knew, JJ." She told him and he nodded. "Let's go home." She spoke getting up she put the gun in the back of her pants when JJ wasn't looking. 

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