Chapter 92: Grace

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"How is he?" I asked and Nate shook his head.

"I don't know, but he is passed out." He said and I saw the Serpents putting him in a van. Me and Nate ran up diving in the back, the two men moved letting us and whoever was in the driver seat took off as the doors closed. My mind was in a daze as we rode away.

"Sike no!" I heard a yell in the microphone and a grunt. "Fuck no, no." before a click.

"No!" I yelled and I started crying and Nate moved holding me.

"She's... Oh my God! Get me the other van!" I heard Vince yell.

"No!" I pulled out the earpiece throwing it. I started shaking and crying, my mind going numb Mateo was passed out in front of me his shirt ripped open showing stabs, cuts and bruises. Nate turned me burying my head in his shoulder, as I fell apart. I felt someone picking me up and carrying me, I heard distorted voices my eyes were squeezed shut my head buried in Nate's shoulder. I felt me being sat down on a hard small surface but I didn't let go of Nate.

"Baby. Angel, please." Nate's voice came through and complete silence followed. I looked up at him. "He is getting checked out." He spoke and I saw we were in a bathroom. I was sitting on the sink, the toilet to my right.

"Sike?" I asked and he shook his head. I looked down fumbling with his shirt tail. He held my chin making me look at him.

"I'm sorry but Mateo is going to need you." Nate spoke and I nodded. There was a knock at the door, Nate stepped away.

"Sike is here, she isn't dead." Vince spoke and I arched a brow. I darted to the door prying it open and he led me to an observation room where Sike was sitting up kicking her legs on the bed. She walked up to me hugging me.

"Sorry for scaring you, Devious." She chimed and I hugged her completely speechless.

"What happened?" I whispered and she nodded to Vince leaving me and Nate in the room with her.

"I take this medication when I know I am going into a fight, great for letting people believe you are dead." She sighed before continuing. "It clots your blood. So, when your dad cut me..." She trailed off showing me hers arm that were stitched up.

"He cut you?" I asked and she nodded.

"Said he wanted to leave you with one less person, or something like that before he cut me." She waved and I saw her cut on her arm and neck.

"Ok he isn't my dad he is Hex." I said first of all. "I buried my dad in the eleventh grade I was sixteen." I said and she held her hands up nodding.

"Of course. Anyway, I couldn't move fast enough because my back was to him, that was my mistake." She explained and I nodded. "How is Mateo?" She asked and the door opened the doctors bringing Mateo on a bed, who was awake.

"He has some cracked ribs, so minor stab wounds not puncturing anything, and some superficial cuts." A lady walked in a lab coat putting up his scans. She was a dark-haired woman, around my age, hair in a ponytail. "You can take him home." She said, then turned to me handing me slip of paper. "Some pains med even though he insists he won't need them, believe me he will tomorrow when he started feeling those stabs and cuts healing over those ribs." She patted my shoulder and I smirked at her along with Sike.

"Thank you." I sighed looking at Mateo who was smirking at me, yeah, my man is still in there.

"Hey, get your ass in here!" The doctor yelled and a jittery intern looking doctor walked in. "No taking breaks." She muttered grabbing the keyboard writing something on it before giving it back to the intern. "This is out of the book's, just paperwork for the Serpents, take this to the guy in a leather jacket right outside...that door." She whispered pointing to the door behind Nate and Nate stepped closer to Mateo out of the way.

"What is that for?" Sike asked.

"Serpents like to have documentation on how their men are. It'll probably be destroyed but if I want to get paid, they got to have it, other than my word. I am Dr. Castillo." She introduced herself shaking my hand then, Sike's. Mateo groaned and I saw his leg flexed. "Does that hurt?" Dr. Castillo asked. Mateo shook his head.

"I can pry it out of you if it is, say something." Nate stood over him. Mateo nodded. The Dr. pulled up his pant leg without asking. Mateo tried pulling it away but Nate held him back.

"Figured you wouldn't let me look." Castillo spoke. She moved out of the way showing a badly bruised leg, his knee shifted, and I grimaced. "Hey! Get me that paper back Phillips and a portable X-Ray!" She yelled and the intern nodded before taking the paper from Vince and scurrying away.

"Why didn't you say something?" Nate asked him and Mateo shook his head. I walked in front of Sike and over to Mateo's side and he held my hand.

"You're probably going to need them in a minute." The Dr. spoke the door behind him opening, Nate moved still holding Mateo but enough for the portable X-Ray to be brought in. Castillo backed up letting the intern take an X-ray moving Mateo's leg like he needed it slowly, looking to the doctor every two seconds to make sure he was right before taking the picture. Castillo walked back up and nodded. "Like I thought." She spoke.

"Dislocation, right?" The intern asked and Castillo looked at him, with a slight smirk.

"Exactly right." Castillo spoke. "I need to pop it back in place." She turned out attention to us, she looked at me then Mateo. "Guessing no medication, you want?" She asked.

"Nope." He spoke and I gripped his hand harder.

"You are going to be in a lot of pain. A lot of pain. After this you are going to need a brace and crutches, you sure you don't want to not be in pain when I do this?" She asked.

"Now is not the time to be tough just take the damn medication." Nate spoke. Mateo shook his head.

"I'll be alright." Mateo insisted and she looked at me.

"I'm assuming these are both yours." She chimed and I nodded with a smirk. Vince opened the door. Castillo fixed her hands on his thigh and calf, getting ready to pop it, but stopped when seeing Vince.

"JJ and Luca are here. JJ wants to come in but pretty sure this is a bad time?" He asked and I nodded. He nodded and shut the door.

"Yours too?" She turned to me smiling and I nodded again.

"Kids." I whispered and she smiled.

"And here I thought I had a shot oh well." I heard a pop and Mateo gripped my hand harder.

"Fuck!" He yelled. Castillo smiled stepping back and I hugged Mateo kissing his cheek. He gripped me harder wrapping his arms around me.

"Sorry better when you're distracted. Those painkillers will help with the knee pain too, I can add a muscle relaxer." She spoke and I looked up at Nate standing behind the bed and heard a door shut. Mateo grabbed me and sat me on his lap and grimaced and I tried moving off him but he held me there.

"Don't fucking move." Mateo ordered and I didn't. He grabbed my leg making me straddle him, I looked up at Nate.

"No one else is in here Sike left." He looked at me and I nodded. Mateo wrapped his arms around me and grabbed my gun I always forgot I had and put it on the table next to the bed.

"I just, I need to hold you." Mateo whispered and I kissed his neck, closing my eyes resting my head on his shoulder. 

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