Chapter 120: Grace

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Three years later...

We are at JJ's baseball game he's gotten along well with other students and has taken a liking for baseball. Taylor is beside me drinking a margarita in a tumbler while I hold Mateo walks around with Luca and I am holding my daughter Kallie who is about to turn two years old and Luca is three. Kallie has dark brown hair and she has Mateo's nose and eyes, the guys didn't believe me so we had her tested and she is indeed his. I'm not sure if it was Mateo that was in denial but I wasn't going to deny him and it helped with the medical history.

"You do realize baseball games are not meant for people to get drunk?" I say and she turns to me.

"Relax, I made it myself I didn't put a whole lot of alcohol in it I'm not a monster plus I don't have kids." She crosses her legs acting proud.

"Auntie T!" Kallie babbles and I smile at her.

"Auntie T can't hold you right now, baby." I say and she buries her head in my neck once more.

"Where is bubba?" She says and I point over to shortstop seeing JJ standing there, Nate is in the dugout, Liam coaches his nephew so Jeanna is beside me holding their baby.

"What is like when they are older?" Jeanna asks and I sigh.

"He knows what sex is and apparently, he keeps the door locked at random times. I'm not supposed to know what he's doing but I know what he's doing." I say and Jeanna laughs. "So, when he comes out the door, I have to hold conversation while we are walking out the door for practice." I mumble and Taylor laughs. JJ is fourteen now, his birthday was the day after I got my ring, from Nate and Mateo.

"How is everything else?" Taylor asks and I look over.

"Perfect." I answer and she shrugs.

"I like being single thank you though." She remarks and I laugh.

"Skinner has had quite an eye on you." I say and she rolls her eyes. After he came over seeing our precious Kallie, he's been following her like a dog with a bone.

"We did it once doesn't mean it'll happen again." She quips.

"What'll happen again?" I hear that deep voice and I turn seeing Mateo behind me.

"Taylor and Skinner sitting in a tree." Jeanna sings and Mateo arches a brow.

"Not touching that. Luca wanted his mommy. Can I see my beautiful baby girl?" He quips and I hand him Kallie and Luca walks over to me and climbs into my lap.

"Hey little man." I smile down at him and he wraps his arm around me giving me a kiss.

"Hey, momma." He says and he turns to sit watching the game. I wrap my arms around him. "When can I do that?" He asks and Mateo sits down in the empty chair behind me.

"Three years buddy." Mateo chimes before anyone else can and Luca frowns.

"You'll be able to if you want, I promise." I brush my fingers through his hair and he smiles. I look up seeing JJ tag another player out and everyone cheers that was the last inning and the game is over.

Everyone went home because it was the fourth overtime and we were all tired. The kids are now in bed and I am laying in my bed Nate and Mateo beside me. They gave up their rooms for the kids, we all sleep together now. I can't seem to go to sleep my hands are by my head and I'm lying on my back. I hear some movement I look to my right seeing Mateo walking to the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask and Nate turns on the lamp smirking at me.

"We need you, Angel." Nate answers and I hear Mateo lock the door. Nate crawls on top of me and thrusts his middle into mine.

"I thought you were sleeping." I gasp and he kisses me stealing my breath away and my whole body lights up for him as it always does.

"If you can't sleep, I can't sleep." He starts kissing and sucking my neck, I feel his hands at my waist, he pulls off my bra. He shoves his hand into my thong and I moan pushing my hips up, he flicks my clit.

"Nate." I rasp and he puts his mouth back over mine, he slips his fingers in me and I see Mateo standing up behind him. "I love you." I say to both of them.

"I love you, Angel." They both say in unison and every time they say that as if it's music to my ears and I feel complete. I know without a doubt I will love these men for the rest of my life, I can't wait for us to spend forever together. Always.

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