Chapter 21: Mateo

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He slowly moved the stool in front of the camera and sat down. He leaned down disappearing for a moment before holding up a white board, he was writing something and he turned it around, showing more text.

"I will get her out of here even if it kills me." Nate read out. He turned the board around and wiped it writing once more. He turned it around revealing more text. "I have a plan, it may not be the best or most efficient but I have one." He wiped it then looked right at the camera.

"This is to damn much to write. I need to talk to the tech and I'm assuming that since this is on the computer there is one watching me now. So hey, whatever in the stream sight there should be a place for a code, if you type in the right one it should show our location, Grace and the others will not be here when I give you that. I know of a gang here that protects women, and if the right tech is in their pocket, I will be serving you Blake on a plate. Grace and the others will be in a car coming back to her house, I will send an alarm five minutes before they leave for ambulance to be on their way. That's your response time and I know that from the average on the website on the police station where it shows both." He sighed and Lopez paused it.

"I will do exactly as he says, Grace will be back here tomorrow if this goes down right and I think this will." He said looking at Skinner.

"No cops?" Skinner asked and Lopez gestured to Jason. "I know him but any other fucker I need to know about?" At that Lopez shook his head.

"I will leave him be, he is yours." Jason gestured to us three.

"Us?" Nate asked.

"Yes you, don't you want to talk to the fucker?" Skinner asked. I shook my head and so did Nate.

"If we give him our attention, we are giving him what he wants, he's yours but make it last days, weeks if you can." I said to him and Nate nodded agreeing with me.

"Alright then. Well, you might want to listen because this is a damn good plan." Lopez said unpausing it.

"Tell the ambulance to come to her house, it will just be her, and the others, not me. I will be here tying Blake up to those damn tables, I will wait for whoever you send, if you must arrest me, I understand. Oh God, do I understand. I must ask for one thing, keep one of the girls and you know who it will be under the radar until I can see Blake's dead body in front of me and he is warm and dead." He sighed before continuing. "Grace has not been the only one on the run, I have been protecting her for years. Anyway, Blake will come here tomorrow prepared to torture Grace again only to find her not tied up, I will drug Blake and put him on the table give Grace JJ, tell them where to find the others give her a car and they will be on their way." Austin gestured with his hands. "There is a code to the girl I need, and I found a code written on a paper and it has to be it, she will use that to collect the girl and be on her way." Austin looked seeing Grace stir. "Work with me please, god please let this work." He said as he got up settling back on the table slowly. Lopez pushed the space button stopping it.

"You think this will work?" Nate asked stepping closer to me.

"I think it will it's a damn good plan." Jason said nodding.

"He must have figured out a loophole for me with the virus." Lopez muttered shaking his head. "He must have felt the pressure and just figured something out." He ran his hands over his face.

"She's coming home?" Nate mumbled out.

"She's coming home." Skinner said sighing. I walked to Luca's room before anyone could say anything else. Taylor turned to me hearing the door click open and I waved for her to come on. She followed me out.

"You left before the good part." Lopez said to her and she looked at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"She's coming home there's a plan." Jason said to her. She looked at him her mouth open.

"Don't fuck around with me right now." She scolded him and he shook his head.

"They aren't kidding." Nate said. She smiled before frowning again.

"How?" She asked.

"You want to watch it?" Lopez asked her and she nodded. We all stood there as she watched it, she started trembling.

"Do you have any clue when?" She asked and Lopez shook his head.

"Not a clue." He answered.

"Guess when they usually wake up in three hours." Skinner said looking at his phone.

"I need to get the guest room ready JJ doesn't have injuries so..." Nate trailed off and I nodded he was right we needed to prepare. 

I'm Theirs (Book 2/2 of the Desire Duet)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang