Chapter 105: Nate

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I don't know but something about her calling Lillian mom made me want her approval and from that comment I'm sure that was just spoken about me I feel like I have got some of it. Lillian still doesn't know me though.

"My beautiful girl you don't need to apologize. I really understand, no need to explain yourself to anyone." She spoke and Grace nodded, but I could still see some of that guilt in her eyes. I know none of it had anything to do with me back then, but I still want to swoop in and fix it, but I know Grace is fixing it now the best way she can. "I didn't know, according to Nellie some people in your grade did know, they could've stood up for you but from what I can understand no one ever did?" Lillian arched a brow.

"Taylor, convinced me to leave when I was able." Grace whispered and Lillian nodded.

"As she should." Lillian praised nodding towards Taylor.

"I still feel like I should have left with some sort of explanation but I didn't want to come to you and say goodbye." Grace spoke, Lillian hugged her.

"I get what you mean, darling. You were like my little girl, I would have convinced you to stay, that would have been wrong of me, but I know myself. I would have tried." She spoke in Grace's ear. "It seems as though you have done quite well for yourself, you still have Taylor, that's enough for me, knowing you still had her." She whispered and she looked at me, I saw her out of the corner of my eye.

"He is one of them, the other is with Nel." Grace said and Lillian nodded, with a smile.

"I would love to know how you met." It was my turn to smirk. Jake walked up to Grace and tapped her shoulder as they broke their hug.

"Where is JJ?" He asked and Grace shook her head.

"I'm not sure. He was in the kitchen." Grace gestured to the door and he walked out of it.

"He said something about you adopting a child." Lillian said. "Said you would have been here if you were pregnant with him." Lillian arched a brow.

"That's a long story." Grace spoke and Lillian smiled.

"If you don't want to tell me you don't have to. You never have to explain yourself to me." Lillian said and Grace nodded.

"Mom, this is Luca." Grace gestured behind her, and Lillian walked around her, Grace walked beside her until they reached the crib.

"Beautiful baby, he looks just like you aside from the hair." Lillian stroke Grace's hair.

"Nate, owns a stripper club. Mateo owns the other half; I went there for a job." Grace said and Lillian turned looking at me, I smiled at her and she turned to Grace.

"Okay dear." Lillian said and Grace arched a brow and Taylor scoffed.

"No 'hey, Grace, let me exorcise you'?" Taylor asked and Lillian turned around in a flash scolding her and she held up her hands. "Sorry just thought you would be against it." Taylor said.

"Okay, so how much did William tell you about how we met?" She turned to Grace.

"He told me you met in church." Grace said and Lillian scoffed.

"He found out who I was at church, he did not meet me there, Grace. He met me in Roses Club." She explained.

"Lillian!" Taylor said and held her hands over her mouth. Grace just stood there with her jaw on the floor. What am I missing?

"What? Are you going to judge me?" She smiled gesturing to herself and Grace shook her head, snapping herself out of it.

"Is someone going to tell me what that means?" I whispered and Grace walked over to me.

"An old BDSM club that was closed down decades ago." She whispered and my jaw dropped.

"Yes, my dear." Lillian said clearly hearing what Grace said. "We met there and we were matched... well you know what that means... I went to this church on the corner because mine shut down for a funeral, he was there." She explained and I closed my mouth.

"Mom, I didn't know." Grace whispered and Lillian laughed.

"Well, no one did, no one except us two. You're masked until you are paired." She answered Grace. "I don't judge people, Grace, never have never will." Lillian spoke. "I'm going to say hi to Nellie." She gestured to the door and walked out; Taylor walked out behind her.

"Grace." I gasped she smirked at me. "Your family, they are one of the best I have met." I spoke to her and she laughed.

"Why do you say that?" She asked me I slight blush covering her cheeks.

"They don't judge." I said and she nodded.

"We can go home now." She said and I nodded.

Lillian said Jake needed to leave for a job so they quickly left, Grace promised she would come home again. Nellie left saying she needed to go back to the clubhouse, Grace promised her the same and Nellie said she would hold her to that. We quickly got our stuff together and Sike came out of her room with her things we quickly packed up and left.

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