Chapter 13: Grace

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"Grace!" I heard a yell and I jolted awake.

"I thought you were dead." I heard a little voice whimper. I squinted adjusting to the light.

"He drugged me again, I'm sorry for scaring you sweetie." I assured him, he had tears going down his face.

"He wouldn't tell me what he did to you. He usually says you'll be awake in a bit and walks out." He explained.

"I made him mad much more than before." I explained and he nodded.

"I wish he would let us go." He whispered.

"Me too." I whispered back. The door opened, much gentler and I knew it was Drew.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"For being kidnapped held in a room with a kid, getting stabbed, and figuring out I have a brother. I am fine." I said as he lifted up the light checking for a concussion.

"I am just glad he punched you, drugged you and left the room. I thought he would try to kill you; you need to be careful." He warned pulling the light away once he was satisfied.

"Try to?" I questioned.

"You think I would let him, apparently I haven't earned your total trust yet. That's okay." He said and walked behind me coming out with a stool rolling across the floor and sat in between me and JJ, facing the camera.

"I don't know you." I pointed out.

"I know everything about you, I'm sure that seems stalkerish but I do, I watched you from the sidelines growing up. My father wanted me to know you but your mother didn't want to entertain it. I lost track of you, now I know why." He explained and I nodded, I understood maybe this is Stockholm syndrome but I would have done the same. My mother never really loved me, while my father showered me with love, I never understood them, we never were quite happy.

"Tell me you're plan and maybe when it goes down, I'll trust you." I said that seemed to be all I was doing with him fishing for information.

"I will tell you; I can probably get us out tomorrow or the day after." He said whispering. I looked to see JJ with a spark in his eyes, he always stayed quiet unless he was spoken too, a slow smile spread across his face.

"Ok so plan." I pushed.

"Not yet." He muttered.

"Ok then." I spoke. Weirdly with him I felt safe with him, bring Blake into the room and I feel different.

"Are you hungry?" He asked JJ and he nodded. "Cheeseburger again?" JJ nodded once more.

"How long have we been here?" I asked him and I had a feeling I wouldn't like the answer, the drugs probably took time away for me.

"Two days going on three." I looked down sighing.

"Three days from my baby, my guys." I said taking a deep breath trying to keep myself calm.

"I am so sorry. If I could have stopped this I would have, you'll have your explanation I swear." He tried assuring me, I nodded, not feeling any better but trusting him when he said I would understand. I heard the door shut and I knew he was gone. I felt a tear roll down my face.

"Grace?" JJ got my attention.

"Hmm?" I hummed looking up at him.

"Do you think we will get out of here?" He asked me, and I smiled at him.

"I will do whatever I have to, to make that happen, buddy." I assured him.

"Why are you letting them hurt you and not me?" He asked.

"You were not a part of this and he did not need to bring you into this you are innocent. I would never let anyone hurt a child over me in any situation." I explained and he nodded.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Don't be thankful for that. I knew this was coming, I wasn't sure when but I knew it was coming." I said and he looked up to me with wide eyes.

"You couldn't stop it?" He looked shocked; I shook my head.

"I could've had many people protecting me but there was no way to know when he would come." I said shaking my head. "If there was a definitive way to stop him from finding me, I would've done it, but there was no way." I explained and he nodded his head.

"I understand." He spoke and I nodded my head. Believe me the only thing I could do was change my name, I wanted to keep my first name, I wouldn't let him take that.

"How old are you?" I asked remembering I never really asked.

"I am 10." He answered and I was shocked I thought he would be like twelve maybe eleven.

"Do you go to school?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"In the house, three teachers come in to teach us." He explained and I nodded. Sounded like to many people living in that house if they needed three tutors, but maybe I am clueless to how that works. "Why is Blake so mean to you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"He always has been at first he wasn't, he acted like the perfect gentleman as we started hanging out, I gave him something he wanted badly, and after that, he started getting meaner." I answered glossing over the fact that I am talking about my virginity to a kid.

"Why did he pick me?" He asked. He usually never asked so many questions, did someone say something to him.

"JJ did someone say something to you?" I asked him and he nodded looking to the floor.

"He told me that he would kill me if I couldn't convince you to stay with him." He whispered and wished I could kill the prick; I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"JJ look at me." When he did, he had watery eyes his big brown eyes staring into mine. "Nothing will happen to you; I promise you that." I assured him and he nodded.

"I don't want you to stay with him, I want us both to be safe, and if you stay here, you won't be." He said and I nodded sadly, he understood he was too young to have to but he did. I blinked away the tears that came up and answered him.

"I don't want to stay here, but I can if that gets you out. If at all possible, we are both getting out of here but only after I have tried everything, will you leave without me, okay?" I questioned and he opened those wide eyes that were filled with panic.

"I am not leaving without you!" He said and more tears began to fall as he cried harder; he was almost making me cry.

"JJ, if I stay and we keep you here, he will start hurting you. I can't have that buddy." I spoke, trying hard to calm him down.

"But I want to stay with you!" He cried.

"Honey, look at me, do you see that camera over there?" I pointed to the camera and he nodded, he was getting calmer by the distraction.

"There are people watching that right now, and if you are let go, Nate and Mateo will find you." I spoke looking at him while he looked at the camera. He turned to look at me after the new information, not crying anymore.

"There are people watching right now?" He asked and I nodded. "Will they really find me?" I nodded once more.

"You will go and I will come when I can get out." I explained and he nodded. The door banged open once more. 

I'm Theirs (Book 2/2 of the Desire Duet)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon