Chapter 57: Mateo

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Everything in me is eating at me to grab that shotgun out of her hand and shoot him right here, right now. She aimed the gun at him again and closed her eyes her hands started shaking before she brought it to her side. She shuddered and Nate stepped in front of her not letting Blake see.

"What do you need Angel?" I asked her, and she looked at me and tears started forming she gestured for me to move closer so I did.

"I don't think I can do this. Looking at him all I can think is about the times he hit me and I can't pull the trigger to kill him." She whispered and I grabbed the gun from her keeping it aimed at the ground slowly taking it from her. "I can't even get mad enough for a split second to pull it, please." She said letting me take it. She looked up at me and wiped the tears away.

"Do you want to watch?" I asked and she nodded. I nodded at Nate and he walked over.

"Let me do it." He offered and I shook my head.

"No just hold her." I said and he nodded. I love that my Angel is letting me do this for her, I don't think I can stand letting her do it. I looked at Blake stepping towards him I lifted the gun. "I love her, she was never yours she's ours now." I looked back at Grace and I pulled the trigger shooting him in the head.

I saw as she shuddered before looking at me and taking a deep breath. Nate looked at her his arms wrapped around her waist. I wish I could say I feel guilty I wish I could say I'm sorry but I can't, he hurt her, repeatedly, I protect what is mine, I take care of what is mine, and she needed this. Like hell if I wasn't going to do this. She pulled away from Nate and walked to me, and jumped into my arms hugging me, I felt her shudder and kissed her cheek. I walked up the stairs to the side Nate behind me and Skinner was waiting at the top.

"Going?" He asked and I nodded.

He walked us to the elevator without a word Taylor was there, she insisted on coming for emotional support. We got down to the bottom floor and he escorted us out of the front to the car. I held her as she cried muffling her cries in my shoulder and I closed my eyes resting my head on her shoulder breathing her in. The car stopped and I looked up seeing our house, I slid out and Nate walked in front of me to the door. He opened it and I darted to her our room, and I laid down on the bed putting her on top of me straddling me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and she looked up at me. She pulled her bra off of her through the shirt sleeves before laying back down on me, I swear she was like a magician with her bras.

"Don't be. Mateo, I love you, thank you." She said kissing me. "I feel free, I feel like I can live my life now without looking over my shoulder." She smiled at me. I started rubbing up and down her back I smirked at her.

"I should say I feel bad, but Angel I don't." I told her and she laid her head on my chest.

"I didn't expect you to." She whispered and my heart felt like it got ten times bigger.

"I love you too." I quipped and she looked up and I pulled her up kissing her properly, the door clicked open and Nate walked through.

"Emma left, JJ is in his room playing with Legos, Luca is asleep." He said climbing onto the bed. I nodded and he laid beside me, he turned over facing me running his hand through Grace's hair.

"Nate, I love you." She said turning her head around looking at him. He smiled and kissed her.

"I love you too." He cooed. I suddenly felt very tired.

"I think I am going to sleep." I said and Nate turned over hugging my shoulder. I closed my eyes not being able to keep them open.

"Me too." Grace groaned.

"I can take care of the kids, you two get some sleep." Nate ordered and he got up and I heard the door click Grace pulled the covers on top of us.

As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about what I just done, but I didn't feel anything. I mean, I didn't feel bad but I didn't feel good either but when I thought about what I did for Grace, I felt good, great even. She is mine and Nate's she's our, and I know without a doubt if she asked him, he would have done the same. I took away Blake, the nightmares and the power he had over her I was the one that took that away. 

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