Chapter 72: Grace

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Sike moved out of the way, letting me walk past running almost right into Taylor but I heard Sike and Mateo following us.

"Taylor." He spoke and Taylor nodded. He hugged her, and she chuckled hugging him back.

"Nice to see you, old friend." Taylor spoke with a smile. "I'm sorry but as you probably know I left with Grace." She said as he pulled away and he nodded.

"Nellie told me, good to see you." He said and Taylor nodded walking in front of us into the living room and Jake took my hand once more. JJ was sitting on the couch on his tablet but lowered it seeing Jake.

"Jake, this is my son, JJ." I introduced the two. Jake held out his hand and JJ shook it.

"Nice to meet you." Jake spoke.

"You to, Jake." JJ spoke before going back to his game.

I think he may be getting to much screen time but all morning he was playing with Lego and board games with Nellie, I mentally shook my head. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I saw Nate waltzing down them through the glass door separating the hallways from the living room. He walked down the hall to the other entrance and slowed seeing Jake. I stood where I was letting everyone, sit in the room, Nate slowly walked further in stopping a few feet in front of us.

"And this is Nate" I started.

"Your other husband." Jake finished and I smiled at him nodding. "Nice to meet you." He spoke and I realized his stuttering was better.

"Nice to meet you two Jake, Grace has told me about you." Nate spoke then moved out of the way.

"Do you want to stay?" I whispered taking him out of the room.

"I would, but I have to get back outside in order to make it to my next j-j-job on time." He spoke and I nodded.

"Well, come back by if you want." I said and he hugged me smiling at me. It kind of sucks that he can't stay but I understand he needs to keep to a schedule.

"See you, Grace." He pulled away, walking to the door. I saw that charm bracelet I made him when I was like twelve on his arm and I smiled.

"You still wear the bracelet after all this time?" I asked and he turned back around smiling at me.

"Always." He answered standing right in front of the door.

"See you, Jake." I waved as he opened the door, walking out of it. I heard footsteps I didn't bother turning around as I stared at the door.

"I have a little brother." Sike chimed in and I turned around. "He's thirteen, and he has autism. Not as high up on the spectrum as I suspect of Jake because he loves everyone and just hugs them no matter how dangerous they are or who they are." She smiled out making me chuckle.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked and she stepped closer.

"Never let the pure people mix with your alter ego, people with Autism are some of the purest souls you will ever meet, don't mix what you do with what they see you as." She explained and I nodded kind of getting it. "My real name is Merida, Skinner wanted to call me princess because of that damn Disney movie that haunts me." She shook her head and I smiled.

"How did you get Sike?" I asked and she start making ticking noises shaking her finger at me slowly.

"I will never tell. I prefer you to find out." She said and ran up the steps. 

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