Chapter 14: Nate

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Seeing Grace with JJ I know she hasn't lost hope because for the first time since she has been in that god forsaken room, she acknowledged she knew people were looking. Skinner looked at me with wide eyes, and I was confused did he know something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This is the guy she was running from?" He asked pointing to a picture of Austin to the side and I shook my head pointing to Blake in the other picture we pulled off the footage.

"He looks like a tenth grader with a bad haircut." He remarked and made me and Taylor laugh.

"The other claims to be her brother, we don't know how true that is. Grace talks like she does but she hasn't said if she has." I explained, he nodded and I felt a tap on my shoulder. Mateo looked at me and I nodded, and followed him to our room.

"A girl has been grabbed." He said as we stepped into our room, in reality it was Mateo's but we call every room all of our room. In our rooms we have queen beds and in Grace's room we have a California King for all of us to stay in there comfortably.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely confused because why would he bring us up here, to tell me that.

"A girl went missing grabbed of the street a couple avenues over, height and build like Grace." He explained and he started pacing.

"Masked man?" I asked him.

"Yes, Jason isn't sure if it was him but they are looking into it." He explained and I nodded, there was no need to panic yet we would be fine, Grace would be fine. She will come home safe, unharmed more than now hopefully, her and JJ.

"We don't have reason to worry yet." I assured him I tried putting my hand on his shoulder as he walked past me and he grabbed my wrist. "Mateo?" I questioned and he looked at me which such desperation in his eyes.

"What is this guy capable of?" He murmured and I grabbed his hand holding it in my hand instead of holding my wrist.

"Nobody knows, he picked the one person in the world who knows him better than he knows himself. If anyone is going to get out of this alive, and get everyone else out, it would be her." I assured him and I was holding onto that belief as well, the bastard chose the one person who actually knows him and kidnapped them, it just happened to be Grace. I felt his grip tighten squeezing my hand, we were staring into each other's eyes. There was a loud knock on our door, I slowly pulled away and turned around opening it. Skinner was standing there.

"Listen, I know you can't do anything for her right now. I wish I could, I did one thing I knew I could do. You both seem like good people, and I figured the least I could do for the kid was this." He handed me a big envelope, I looked up at him he simply nodded and I saw Taylor leading him away.

"What is it?" Mateo questioned and I turned around facing him I slowly opened up the envelope holding his stare until I was holding papers. I scanned over them and my mouth dropped I opened the door and ran down the stairs.

"You did this?" I asked Skinner and he turned to me nodding. "Why?" I pushed.

"The kid is going to need somewhere to go now if you did that legally it would take months and the kid would suffer more waiting. She and JJ have a really big bond and good rapport in such little time, he wants to stay with her, she wants him..." He pointed to the papers. "She's got him." He explained, Mateo snatched the papers away from me, looking at them.

"You don't know us; how can you trust us?" Mateo spoke and I was wondering the same thing.

"I don't I trust her." He said pointing to the computer. "You two seem like good people but I don't know you." He gestured to both of us.

"Damn it!" Lopez yelled hitting the counter with his fists. "I can't find a girlfriend, best friend, hell another sister or brother, anyone is this guy's life!" He said taking deep breaths he sat back down. "Sorry," he apologized to no one in particular.

"Mother?" Jason asked and I had no clue he was even in the room, until now.



"Dead. Everyone is dead!" Lopez threw up his hands.

"It's ok Lopez we are just missing someone." Jason tried establishing.

"I'd like to know why I can't find record of them any fucking where, whoever the fuck this is, I would like to know how they stayed off the grid this good!" He waved a hand around the computer.

"Did anyone die within the last two maybe three months?" Skinner chimed in looking over Lopez's shoulder.

"Why?" Lopez asked typing away.

"I might be onto something. It will take me a while to figure it out, but I have an idea." He explained. 

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