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You're putting the finishing touches on your outfit for the night when you feel Pierre's hands snake around your waist as he starts kissing your neck.

"Pierrree stop we're going to be late," you say giggling.

"So? What's a few more minutes?" He says between kisses.

"Only a few minutes?" You say almost offended.

"Amour with you looking like that, that's all we'll need," Pierre says. You start taking your jewellery off and setting it back on the counter.

"15 minutes, and you can't ruin my hair," you say taking his hand and leading him out to the bedroom a sheepish look on Pierre's face.

*15 minutes later*

You both lay down on the bed naked and panting. Pierre rolls over to check the time before rolling back over and kissing you. "Right on time."

You just laugh and shake your head before heading to the bathroom to touch up your hair and makeup again and get dressed. Pierre comes by a few minutes later.

"John's waiting downstairs when you're ready," Pierre says peaking his head in.

"Okay I'll be right out," you say smiling as you notice a small hickey near your collar bone, Pierre smiles noticing the hickey. He cups your face and kisses you, "there, now everyone knows you're mine." He says and you blush.

"Mmmm... still don't see a ring on my finger though Gasly," you say grabbing your purse and walking out of the hotel room.

"Ohhhh just you wait Sutton... just you wait." Pierre says just out of ear shot.

The two of you head downstairs and John drives you to the club.

"I'll be inside watching over you, so whenever you want to leave just let me know." John says.

"John you don't have to really." You say stepping out of the vehicle.

"Nonsense." John says. "Clearly can't trust club security to do their jobs anymore."

You know there is no arguing with him, so you just nod. John goes to park the car and you and Pierre head inside. Your heart starts beating faster as you step inside and see all of the people. You reach for Pierre's hand. "Please don't let go." You whisper and he just nods. You spot everyone in a corner section and Pierre leads you over there.

You wave to everyone as you get closer. Anna runs up to hug you, and you let go of Pierre's hand.

"There you two are, we were beginning to think you weren't going to show," George says.

"Yeah sorry about that... we... ughhhh... took a little longer to get ready than I thought." You say looking over at Pierre.

"Wait is that a hickey on your shoulder?" Anna's says looking closer. Luckily with the lights in the club they can't see you blush. Anna just stares over at Pierre.

"What can you blame me?" He says going to sit down, some of the guys fist bumping him.

"Come on, I need a drink," you say walking with Anna up to the table.

"Drinking buddy there you are!!!" Daniel says handing you a shot. "Have to get started somehow."

"Fine but after this I'm getting a round," you say shooting it back. The alcohol taste burning as it goes down.

"Tequila?" You ask looking at everyone.

"Tequila." Everyone echoes. "Here I'll come with you." Pierre says and you smile. The two of you walk over to the bar and you order a round of tequila shots for everyone. The bartender puts them on a tray and Pierre goes to grab it.

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