The answer

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"Look!" Emily said pointing at Rory and Logan

"Oh, thank God" Lorelai sighed "it was driving me crazy"

"You knew?" Emily asked

"He asked me for permission like a week ago" lorelai said

" Wow, I mean... wow" Rory stuttered

"Is there a yes in between those wows?" Logan asked, nervously

"Can we talk about it for a minute?" Rory asked, quietly

"Sure, Ace" Logan stood up and they walked away.

"What just happened?" Emily asked

"I don't know, mom. I wasn't over there" Lorelai said

"She didn't say yes?" Richard asked

"It doesn't look like it" Lorelai said

"Why didn't she say yes?" Emily asked

"I don't think she's sure she wants to marry him" Lorelai sighed "I gotta go"


"Logan" Rory said softly


"I love you. And I love the idea of being married to you"


"I'm just starting my career and your name carries a lot weight in journalism, even if you aren't working for your father anymore"

"I know that"

"I don't want people to think I'm getting by-lines or job opportunities or anything else because of who I'm married to" Rory said "I want to establish myself as a journalist before I have your name"

"We don't have to get married anytime soon" Logan assured her "we can wait a year, 2 years, 10 years, whatever you want. I just wanna be with you"

Rory just looked at Logan


"Ask me again" Rory said, softly


"Ask me" Rory whispered

Logan smiled "Ace, Will you marry me!"


Logan hugged Rory tight

"Oh" Logan let go of the hug "here" he pulled the box out of his pocket he took the ring out and put it on Rory's finger

"Logan, it's beautiful"

"You're beautiful" He said and kissed her deeply


"Well?" Emily asked when Lorelai got back to Emily, Richard and Christopher

"I don't know" Lorelai said

"How don't you know?" Emily asked, annoyed "you two have a freakish bond, she wouldn't tell you anything?"

"I didn't ask her" Lorelai said "I don't know where they went and I'm not gonna call her while she's very clearly in the middle of something important"

"I can't believe you don't know anything" Christopher said

"So, what now?" Lorelai asked

"We wait here until they come back" Emily said

The four stood there looking towards where Rory and Logan had been standing for what felt like an eternity.

"What's everyone staring at?" Rory asked when she and Logan walked up behind them, hand in hand

"Rory!" Emily exclaimed

"Grandma" Rory said back

"What happened?" Emily asked

Rory looked at lorelai why was standing behind Emily and nodded slightly

Lorelai gasped

"Well?" Emily asked, impatiently

Rory and Logan exchanged a look

"Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa" Rory took a deep breath "Logan and I are getting married"

"I'm happy for you, kid" Lorelai hugged Rory

"Me too" Christopher said

"That's wonderful news" Richard said

"We need to start planning" Emily said

"Actually, we're not getting married right away" Rory said

"What? Why not?" Emily asked

"Because we're both just starting our careers and we want to get settled in our new jobs before we get married" Rory explained

"Oh, my god!" Emily exclaimed

"What?" Rory asked

"You're moving to California" Emily said

"Um...I know?"

"How are you gonna get married if one of you is in California and one of you is here"

"We're both gonna be in California" Logan said "I was just made partner at an up and coming internet company, located in Palo Alto"

"That's wonderful" Richard said

"So you're going to live together?" Emily asked

"That's the plan" Rory answered

"Before the wedding?" Emily asked

"Mom..." lorelai warned

"Fine" Emily relented

"Give me your hand" lorelai said

"What?" Rory asked

"Your hand. Give me your hand. I wanna see the ring"

"Oh" Rory held her left hand out

"Wow" lorelai said

"Logan you have excellent taste" Emily said

"Thank you" Logan chuckled


"I can't believe we're finally done" Olivia said, taking a sip from the champagne bottle

"Neither can I" Paris said, taking the bottle from Olivia

"It's kinda scary" Lucy said

"Gilmore, you ok?" Paris asked, noticing Rory hadn't said anything or drank any champagne

"Yeah" Rory said "I actually have some news"

"Don't tell me you're pregnant" Paris said

"What? No!" Rory said "why would you think that?"

"You aren't drinking" Olivia said

"I'm not pregnant" Rory said

"Ok, then what?" Lucy asked

Rory held up her left hand

"No way!" Paris exclaimed

"Logan proposed?!" Olivia asked

"Yup" Rory smiled

"When?" Lucy asked

"About an hour ago" Rory said

"What was about an hour ago?" Logan asked, walking up behind Rory, wrapping his arms around Rory's waist

"You proposed" Paris exhaled

"Did I?" Logan teased

"I have your ring on my finger to prove it" Rory said

"And I never want it back" Logan kissed Rory's cheek

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