A Day Out

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"Lena, if you stop crying I'll give you anything you want" Logan said as he gently bounced Lena

"Logan, she's 2 weeks old."


"Never mind"

The phone rang

"Hello?" Rory put the phone to her ear

"Loin fruit!"

"Hi mom"

"How is my loin fruit's loin fruit doing?"

Rory held the phone near where Logan was holding Lena, who was still crying. A moment later she put the phone back to her ear

"Well, that'll be your life for a while. And how are you doing? Still sore?"

"I'm doing good. Still sore, but less."

"And how are you sleeping?"

"Better than I thought actually. Lena wakes up every 2 hours, give or take. But we decided on taking turns at night so really we're each only getting up every 4 hours. And we set up a little bottle station in our room that way we don't have to go downstairs. How are things there?"

"Taylor's trying to convince everyone that we should have a 9pm curfew. Kirk got a pig-"

"Oh, because a cat worked out so well for him"

"My thoughts exactly. Babette and Morey got new garden gnomes and Luke has-"

"Wait. Did you say a pig?" Rory interrupted Lorelai


"Kirk got a pig?"


"I don't understand"

"You experiencing mom brain?"

"No. I mean, yes, obviously, I haven't slept in 2 weeks, but that's not why I don't understand. Why did Kirk get a pig?"

"Patty overheard him and Lulu talking about having a baby and she figured that wouldn't be the best idea. So, the whole town chipped in and bought them a pig"

"Like a real pig?"

"Yes, a real pig"

"That's insane"

"Yes it is"

"Ok. I'm gonna go relieve Logan from Lena duty"

"Enjoy. Talk to you later"



"My baby!" Rory said reaching for Lena, when Logan walked out of the bathroom with her after giving her a bath. Logan handed Lena to Rory "you smell like soap" she kissed her cheek and sniffed her

"It's weird when you do that" Logan chuckled

"It's not weird. She smells good"

Lena started fussing

"You wanna hand me that?" Rory asked

"Here" Logan handed Rory the pacifier that was on the bedside table "so I was thinking, maybe we should get out of the house for a little while"


"Because you haven't been out of the house since Lena was born and she's never been out of the house"

"But what if she gets sick?"

"We were just at the doctor and she said it was fine to take her out"

Rory thought for a minute "Not somewhere crowded"

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