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"Thank you!" Logan said as the movers were leaving after unloading the last few boxes. He walked inside the house to the living room to see Rory trying to open a box with her left hand. Her right arm was still in a sling, pinned to the side of her body. "what are you doing?"


"You're not supposed to be doing that. You're still healing"

"I feel useless" Rory sighed "you did most of the packing and you're doing most of the parenting. It's not fair"

Logan kissed her and left his forehead pressed against hers "there's nothing I'd rather be doing"

"Are you sure?"

Logan just kissed her again

"Where do you want these?" He asked picking up a box of books

"Those go..." Rory stopped to look at which books they were "downstairs."

"Got it"

Logan started heading down the stairs

"God, this place is huge" Rory exhaled

"It's not so big" Logan shrugged


"Ok, it's pretty big" Logan agreed "it's nice though"

"That, it is" Rory smiled

"It was nice of your mom to take Lena and Hershey for the night so we could unpack"

"Yeah, it was. By the way, my grandparents wanna have dinner with us tomorrow night"

"All of us?"

"Yeah. I told her we'd be there. Is that ok?"

"No problem"


"Hey, thanks for watching them" Logan said as he opened the door for Lorelai who was holding Lena and hersheys leash "and thanks for offering to drop them off"


"Dada!" Lena squealed and tried to reach for Logan

"Ok" Logan chuckled and took Lena from Lorelai "hi munchkin" she kissed her cheek "I missed you"

"I'd put a gate on those stairs if I were you because that kid is so close to walking" Lorelai chuckled

"We already have one" Logan said "god, she really is always right, isn't she?"

"Who? Rory?"

"Yeah. We bet on Lena's walking. I was sure she wouldn't but Ace insisted she was gonna do it by the end of the month and it's looking like she's gonna win"

"Yeah, there's no way she's waiting until the end of the month to walk" Lorelai patted Logan's shoulder "where's Rory, by the way?"

"Sleeping...she didn't sleep last night"

Lorelai sighed

"Yeah, I know" Logan said, softly

"Make sure she's ok....please"


"Do you need any help with unpacking?" Lorelai offered "I know that it's mostly just you doing it since Rory can't really help"

"we actually got most of it done yesterday. But you're welcome to come in if you want"

"No, that's ok. I actually need to get going, but I do wanna see the house sometime soon"

"Of course"

"Alright, bye Lena" Lorelai kissed her cheek "by Logan"

"Bye" Logan said and closed the door "should we go see if mama's up?" He asked in a sweet voice "let's go see if mama's up" Logan walked up the stairs and into their bedroom to see Rory still asleep

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