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September 2nd

"Do you have everything?" Rory asked

"Yes" Sophie said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Why do you always ask a million times?"

"I'd rather ask now than have to leave work later to bring you whatever you forgot"

"How about you, Daniel?" Logan asked

"I have everything" Daniel said

"You have your baseball stuff?" Rory asked

"Oh..." Daniel ran upstairs

"That's why we ask a million times" Logan chuckled

"Are you excited to start high school?" Rory asked

"Definitely" Sophie said "high school mean no more uniforms"

"Just stay away from the locker room" Daniel said as he walked back into the kitchen "it's gross in there"



That afternoon when Sophie and Daniel got home from school, Daniel went upstairs and Sophie marched into the kitchen, where Logan was getting some work done and slammed her backpack down on the island "I hate high school!" She turned to go upstairs but Logan stopped her

"Freeze" Logan grabbed her arm "what happened?"

"Apparently I'm the only girl in the whole school with naked ears"

"What does 'naked ears' mean?" Logan asked

"It means that you guys never got my ears pierced, and apparently not having pierced ears makes you a joke"

"This is about earrings?"

"Can I get my ears pierced?" Sophie asked

"I have to talk to your mom about it" Logan told her

"You say that about everything" Sophie whined

"You wanna punch holes in your head. That's a 2 parent decision"



"Ace, is that you?" Logan asked when he heard the front door open late that night

"No, it's an axe murderer" Rory joked. Rory walked into the living room and leaned down to kiss Logan, who was sitting on the couch before sitting next to him "hi"

"How was your day?" Logan asked


"Well, then I'll get this out of the way so you can relax"


"What's your opinion on earrings?"

"I mean....I wear them every day, I have for over 30 years, you've bought me several pairs. I think it's safe to say that I'm not anti-earrings. Why?"

"Sophie didn't have a great day" Logan said "apparently she got made fun of because she doesn't have pierced ears"

"14 year old girls can be really mean" Rory said "did she really get made fun of for that?"

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