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"And there was a scout from duke there!" Lena said, still crying, as she road in the ambulance

"Try not to think about that, right now" rory said, holding Lena's hand

"What about the rest of the year?" Lena's eyes went wide "what if I never play soccer again?"

"That's not gonna happen" rory assured her

"You really need to try to relax" the paramedic said

Back at the field Logan ran back to the seats to find Sophie and Daniel so they could meet Lena and rory at the hospital

"Guys come on, we gotta go" Logan said

"Where?" Daniel asked

"Hospital, Lena got hurt"

"Is she ok?" Sophie asked

Logan sighed "I don't know" they made their way to the car and drove to the hospital "wait here" Logan said and gestured to some chairs in the waiting room for Sophie and Daniel to sit. He walked over to the nurses station "I'm looking for Lena Huntzberger"

"You are?" A nurse asked

"Her father"

"Bed 4" she gestured to a closed curtain

"I'll take you" another nurse said and led Logan over to where Lena was getting checked out

"-about 3 to 6 months for recovery" Logan heard the lens of the doctor's sentence

"Dad!" Lena said when she saw Logan

"Hey" he bent down to hug her "how are you feeling?"

"Like my bone tore through my skin" Lena groaned

"I was just explaining that she'll need surgery to repair her tibia, fibula, and any other tissue that may have been damaged" The doctor said

"Can we do that in New York?" Logan asked "we're not from here and we have 2 other kids..."

"We can transfer her by ambulance. Just tell me what hospital and I'll set it up"


"Are we going home" Daniel stood up when Logan went back out to where he left Sophie and Daniel in the emergency room waiting area

"You are" Logan said "your mom and Lena are going to a hospital in New York. I'm taking you guys home and then going to meet them. Nana's gonna come stay with you guys"

"Why can't we go with you?" Sophie asked "is Lena ok?"

"It's late. You guys need to get to bed, and it's gonna take 4 hours to get home" Logan explained as he started the car

"Do we have to go to school on Monday?" Daniel asked

"Yes" Logan asked

"Is Lena gonna go to school on Monday?"

"I don't think so"

"Why do we have to go if she doesn't Daniel protested "that's not fair"

"Lena can't go to school if she's in the hospital, dummy" Sophie rolled her eyes

"You're a little twerp! You know that?"

"Hey!" Logan scolded them "that's enough! Cut it out!"

5 hours later Logan made it to New York Presbyterian hospital in NYC.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" A nurse asked

"I'm looking for my daughter. Lena Huntzberger" Logan said

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