Nearing The End

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AN: the title has nothing to do with when the story will end.

April 12th

"And one last thing, before you go" Lena's math teacher said at a the end of the day "I've been asked to remind you that since college acceptance letters have all been sent out and recieved, tomorrow is, what we like to call, acceptance day. Wear a shirt with the college you're going to on it. If you're going to Stanford, wear a Stanford shirt. Going to Harvard? Wear a Harvard shirt. I look forward to seeing where you're all going. Class dismissed"

"Still going to Duke?" Lexie asked Lena as they walked through the hall

"Yup" Lena smiled "still going to Cornell?"

"Yup" Lexie said "where's Oliver going?"

"He just got his letters the other day" Lena told her "he hasn't decided yet"

"Where did he get accepted?"

"Tufts, Cornell, Vassar, and Duke"

"Good choices"


Lena got home a little while later to hear Sophie talking to Logan

"-And then Brittany told Zoe that Mason has a crush on her but that's not true, Mason likes Ashley, and I know that because I heard Mason telling Jeffery" Sophie said

Logan was just smiling and nodding

"And Heather M told Heather H that her earrings were ugly so Heather H said that Heather M's shoes were out of style and they got in a screaming match and the teacher had to separate them"

"You have more drama in 6th grade than we do in high school" Lena joked "little tip, don't get involved. It's not worth it"

"Good to know"

April 13th

"I've seen like 40 kids with Hunter shirts" Lexie said "why is our entire class going to Hunter?"

Lena shrugged "you see any Cornell?"

"A few" Lexie nodded "you see any Duke?"

"Not yet"

"I see one" Lexie grinned

"Where?" Lena turned to see Oliver standing a few feet away wearing a Duke university hoodie "ahh!" Lena squealed and ran over to him "you're going to Duke?!"

"Yup" Oliver smiled

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lena asked "when did you decide?

"I decided before I got the letters that if I got in I was going to Duke" Oliver told her

"This is so great!" Lena hugged him


"Here" Lena handed Oliver a bottle of water before sitting back down next to him at the kitchen island "um...that's wrong" she said, looking at Oliver's paper


"You can't end a sentence with a preposition" Lena said pointing to a line on Oliver's paper

"I'll never understand how you catch that stuff"

"I'm very observant" Lena chuckled

"I know" Oliver chuckled and leaned over to kiss her

"Ooh!" Daniel teased as he walked into the kitchen, startling Lena and Oliver

"What do you want?" Lena asked, annoyed

"Nothing" Daniel said

"You came into the kitchen for nothing?" Lena raised an eyebrow

"Yes?" Daniel squeaked

"Dad!" Rory called out to Logan who was downstairs in the office "we don't need a babysitter!"

"You do based on what I just saw" Daniel snickered

Lena threw an eraser at him

"Who said I think you needed a babysitter?" Logan asked from downstairs

"The 13 year old boy that you sent to spy on us" Lena rolled her eyes "what exactly do you think is gonna happen while we're sitting in the kitchen?"

"I'm not giving you any ideas" Logan said as he came upstairs "if you don't know, I'm not telling you"

"Oh, my god, you're crazy"


April 29th

"What about that one?" Honor nudged Violet and pointed to a prom dress

Violet shook her head

"I like that one" Lena said "but it's really long and I'm kinda short"

"So?" Violet asked

"So, I don't wanna be tripping over my dress"

"What about that?" Honor nudged Rory and pointed to a very short black dress

"Honor, I'm not buying that for my 16 year old daughter"

"No, I mean for you. I think it'd look good on you" Honor said "and I bet my brother would agree" she smirked

"Ew! Gross! Stop!" Lena put her hands over her ears

"She really is a mini Rory" Honor chuckled

"Let's just focus on getting them dresses" Rory said


May 6th

"Smile" Rory said as she stood outside, taking pictures of Lena and Oliver who were about to go to prom

"Can we be done now?" Lena asked

"Yes" Rory chuckled "go. Have fun"

"Bye, love you" Lena said and kissed Rory's cheek

"Love you too"

Lena and Oliver met up with Lexie and Jonathan before heading to prom.

"Ariel Smith and Sam Anderson" Lena said "they're cute together and they have the reversed initials thing going for them"

"Wrong" Jonathan said "prom king and queen are gonna be Henry Jones and Taylor Moore"

"I'm still convinced that idk be you guys" Lexie said

"Why would it be us?" Oliver asked

"Your cute together. Our school is obsessed with soccer and you guys are 2 of the best players on the team. Neither of you are stupid. And lastly because I said so" Lexie said "in fact I'm so confident that it'll be you that I'd put money on it"

"I still don't understand how we got on the ballot in the first place" Lena said

"Oh, that was me" Lexie admitted


"What?! you guys would be perfect for it"


"Do you think Lexie's mad that we didn't get prom king and queen?" Oliver asked as he and Lena danced

"Probably" Lena said "but she'd be even more mad if she found out that we took ourselves out of the running"

"She would literally kill you" Oliver chuckled

A couple of minutes passed and neither of them said anything

"What are you thinking?" Oliver asked

"What do you think college is gonna be like?" Lena asked

"I think it'll be amazing"


"I'm going with you" Oliver smiled "of course it'll be amazing"

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