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Izuku's POV:


I recoiled back from the pain. Tears fell down my face as I brought a hand to the scorch mark on my cheek. I stared up at the 9 year old ash blond. "Hey everyone! Look! The quirkless Deku is crying!" Kachaan announced to the class. I looked around the classroom, utterly humiliated.

Everybody laughed, insulted me for something I couldn't control.

"Quirkless loser!" "Freak!" "Deku!" "Useless!" "You'll never be a hero!" "Just give up!"

I've heard it all before. Ever since I was revealed to be quirkless 3 years ago, everyone started looking down one me. Even my former best friend Kachaan hates me... bullies me almost everyday, calls me names, spread lies about me... He always made me feel powerless, always reminding me of my uselessness.

I thought back to the only time I ever felt like I had some sort of use, some sort of power. When Kachaan moves slower than normal... it has happened multiple times since then. I've tried telling mom about it, saying that I must have a quirk, bust shed always pass it off as being my imagination. I found out that I have to concentrate on something really hard for it to work, but I still don't know if it's a quirk or not.

I wouldn't dare use it again in front of Kachaan... He'd probably beat me up even worse than he normally does. I looked over at the teacher with pleading eyes, but just like everyone else, he just scoffed and turned away. Who am I kidding? Nobody sees me as equal to the rest... not even the teachers... even mom doesn't think I can become a hero.

Instead of sadness and humility, I felt anger welling up inside of me, like a raging fire. I should hit back. I should fight back. I should show Kachaan that I'm not weak! Show him that I can be just as good a hero as he can!

But... I couldn't do it... the raging fire within me was extinguished by denial and a sense of worthlessness. I quickly got up and ran off. Ran out of the classroom, ignoring the laughs from my classmates, the insults from my bullies, and he demanding yell from my teacher. Not looking back, I ran out of the school, ignoring every staff member that tried to stop me... School was almost over anyways... and I didn't want to deal with anymore of the torment.

I didn't want to deal with any of this anymore... Why was I cursed? Why was i born to be their punching bag? Why was I born at all? Even more tears streamed down my face as I began running faster and faster. Bumping into random people on the sidewalk. I could feel the looks I was getting.

I lifted my arm to my eyes, wiping my tears away, still running as fast as I could. "Hey kid, where are your parents?!" "Where are you going?!" "What's wrong?!" "Why are you running?!" All of these shouts of worry and concern, clouded my own melancholic thoughts. "What wan I doing?" I pondered. I began running slower and slower and slower until I came to a complete stop.

"Wh-what am I doing?" I reiterated. "I can't just leave school like that. If I can't handle Kachaan's bullying, then I won't be able to handle villains when I become a hero!" I reprimanded my self, slapping my self on the cheek, only to wince as the scorched from Kachaan's explosions were still fresh and painful. I turned around, determined to be stronger... not hurt for myself but for mom as well.

"Kid!!! Watch out!!!"

All of the screaming made my ears ring in pain and discomfort. *Honk*

I quickly whipped my head to the left, eyes widening in fear at the large truck coming my way, only a few meters away from hitting me. My heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. Everything went slow, just like last time... but the truck was so close to me and was moving so fast that I couldn't move out of the way. All I could do was watch helplessly as the truck itched closer and closer. Screams of terror echoed through my head, probably from the people around watching what was about to happen.

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