The Gatherings

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Nezu's POV:

I drummed my sharp claws on the desk in front of me, anticipating the arrivals of my entrusted allies. I never normally drummed my claws on objects... I only do so subconsciously in order to either calm myself down or prevent myself from doing anything rash.

This meeting has been long overdue... frankly I am unsure of why I hadn't scheduled this meeting years ago... . Now it has become to much of a problem to ignore... this could be a serious threat.

This likely was a danger to society, and I had no idea why. It was just a hunch, but I've learned before that I should trust my gut feelings... they have never failed me before.
As the smartest being alive, I find it normal to know almost everything... to be able to figure out almost everything... so when I can't figure something out on my own, I normally treat it like a puzzle that needs to be put together, a rubix cube that must be solved.

But after years of attempting to solve this case... I was truly stumped... an odd feeling indeed. I began drumming my claws on my desk faster, slowly picking up the pace, as I attempted to think of a last minute possibility, but my mind sent out a blank.

I heard a few knocks on the door, ears twitching in recognition.

"You may enter," I called out. The door opened, my staff members pooling into the room. I halted the drumming of my claws, pouring myself a small cup of tea. They all began to sit at the large table. My brain raced to count everyone there, quickly confirming that they had all arrived.

Hound Dog, Present Mic, Eraserhead, Ectoplasm, Powerloader, Vlad King, Present Mic, Cementoss, Recovery Girl, Snipe, and Midnight, all accounted for.

I took a small sip of my herbal tea, offering a small smile to my staff. "What is it this time...?" the perpetually exhausted and uninterested Eraserhead questioned, no trace of emotion in his words.

"Now now, Eraserhead, I know our past meetings haven't been of much importance or seriousness, however I can assure you that this meeting is quite the contrast," I assured playfully.

"That's never a good sign, Nezu-San," Midnight chimed in, a few of the others nodding in agreement. I decided not to prolong the point of this meeting, so I went straight to the point. "Tell me, have any of you heard of the many... slayings of the night?" I questioned.

I got some looks of confusion, some slight and hesitant nods of confirmation, and one grunt of frustration from Eraserhead. "It's frustrating... I've encountered a few of the 'slayers'," Eraserhead stated, sighing in exhaustion, adding air quotes to the title.

"Hold on, hold on, what are you two going on about here? Slayers? Night-time killings? Isn't it normal for many murderers to kill at night?" a confused Present Mic asked.

I attempted to start explaining to Present Mic, however Eraserhead beat me to the punch.

"For a long time, there have been rumors of killer swordsmen slaying many different people. According to those who have witnessed these events, the killers always go for decapitation and are pretty efficient. They generally wear traditional Taisho era kimonos and haoris," Eraserhead explained.

"Thank you Aizawa-San. A very accurate description indeed, however there are some things you missed," I stated.

"You see... rumors of them have dated back several centuries, around the time when quirks just started showing up, however no one really took them seriously..."

"A lot of the time, when one of these "slayers", attempt to kill someone... its generally reported to be those with mutant-based quirks, leading underground figures and heroes, to believe that they... don't think highly these type of people," I informed, getting a series of head shakes, disapproving of the discriminatory actions.

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