Trustworthy Pt. 3

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Genki's POV:

"So, what do we do now?" Rui asked, walking beside me whilst wrapping his niching wires cautiously around his katana.

I spun my nichirin glance in between my fingers, walking past what seemed to be countless trees, making sure not to cut a single leaf or a single petal off of anything around me. It was a great way to better my overall precision.

"I know not of what you mean," I responded, tossing my spinning glaive into my other hand. I flicked my eyes over to my fellow demon slayer, meeting his gaze for a few moments.

"I'm talking about Midoriya. Should we help him? He's a strong kid and all, but whatever is happening to him can't be good. Especially if Endeavor is still with him," Rui explained, eyes drifting away from mine.

"Ah, I see," I said, shutting my eyes for a few moments while I brought my spinning glaive to a halt. "I believe he'll be fine."

I sheathed my glaive by my side, stretching my arms as we continued to approach the Butterfly Mansion. 

"How can you be so sure?" Rui questioned.

"Hm? Oh, it's quite simple, really. "I doubt you've noticed this, but Midoriya is quite the interesting one. I'm sure neither of us have interacted with him much outside of missions, but from the little I've been able to understand, he seems to be catching the eyes of many, many individuals," I explained, bringing a hand up to my chin in contemplation.

I stepped over a few wisteria flowers that had been lined up perfectly, eventually fading into full wisteria trees that created a strong barrier around the Butterfly  Mansion that was just barely visible through all of it.

Rui didn't seem to have the desire to say anything, so I kept going.

"Gyutaro-San seemed somewhat interested in what he could do. The head doctor of the Butterfly Mansion seems incredibly close to him, and so does the Light Hashira. And if what I've overheard during my recovery at the Butterfly Mansion is to be believed, then several heroes and even someone in the Musutafu precinct are interested in him."

"What are you trying to say?" Rui asked, caution in his voice.

I smiled slightly before looking over to Rui Ayaki again.

"Who's to say there aren't several other individuals or groups that have an interest in him. Who's to say Izuku hasn't met some of them? Who's to say he won't meet more? Perhaps he has already escaped police and hero custody and is currently with one of these hypothetical individuals," I responded, smile beginning to fade slightly.

"Firstly, even if he is still within police custody, we have no idea where he is. Perhaps he's been taken to a jail cell already. It seems like something money-worshipers and fame-seekers may do. Secondly, if I am correct, and he has been 'saved' by someone who has an interest in him, then we truly have no idea as to where he might be in all of Japan. We also have no way of knowing if he's being treated kindly or harshly as we know not of these interested individual's intentions."

Rui let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"So what you're saying is... to wait it out?" Rui asked, a hint of understanding in his tone.

"It's the only thing we are capable of doing until we get more information. Besides, I have faith in him. He doesn't talk much about what he does out in the city, despite everyone knowing of his vigilante persona. It is highly likely that he has many connections that could easily help him escape. Many of them must've seen the news by now and must be scrambling to assist him. I wouldn't be surprised if it has already happened, and it has just not been made public yet to avoid embarrassment and ridicule," I explained.

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