Chapter 16 Home Is Where Your Heart Is

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Later that night

I was stuffed still from dinner and I was sprawled out on the couch, head in Roman's lap as he stretched out, feet on the coffee table. His mom and dad were sitting with us, shooting us amused look every once in a while. I was texting Dean and Seth while Roman took pictures of us, making silly faces. I yawned while checking the time, seeing it was nearly midnight. I had gotten up early back at home, not able to sleep in that house.

"You look tired baby girl." Roman commented, looking down at me.

"You want to set up the guest room Joe?" his mom asked and we shared a second of eye contact before he shook his head.

"No it's fine." He replied.

I saw the smiles exchanged between them and I stood up with Roman, going to kiss them both on the cheeks. Pulling my hair to one side I let out a yawn before heading to the door.

"Where you going?" he asked, standing at the stairs.

"I gotta get some clothes from the car." I told him, going to put my boots on.

"I got clothes in the room if you want." He offered and I stopped, too tired to root around in my bag.

"Ok. Good night." I called out to the beaming parents as I followed Roman up to his room, exactly how it was years ago.

He went to the bathroom giving me time to rummage through his closet and find some shorts and a muscle shirt. Changing quickly I padded to the bathroom, meeting Roman in the hall. Walking in I saw the toothbrush he laid out for me and I washed my face and teeth quickly, ready for bed. Turning the light out I could hear other people sleeping in the guest rooms. This was a large house but it felt more homey than the house I lived in. Slipping back into the room Roman was in the bed already, arm thrown over his face. Shutting the lights off I slipped next to him, his arm automatically going around me.

"Your parents are going to think we're together." I mumbled, feeling exhausted.

"Ya they always did. That or they always wanted us together." He chuckled, making me let out a breathy laugh.

"Thanks for saving my Christmas Roman. IT would have been a train wreck without you." I sighed, throwing my hair over my shoulder.

"Any day baby girl, it kind of wasn't Christmas without you anyway." He admitted and I smiled.

Unlike being at home sleep was coming easier and after a few more minutes of silence I was out like a light.

The next day and a half flew by, spending time and catching up with Roman's family and picking up bargains on Boxing Day. My suitcase was nearly exploding as I zipped it up, our last day here coming to an end. It was the 28th and Monday morning, the both of us getting ready to fly to the Salt Lake City for RAW. I had my hair and make-up done, only wanting to do touch ups once we landed and get dressed. I had on leggings with a long sweater over top, one shoulder falling off casually. Roman was gone to the car, putting his suitcase in there, letting me finish up with my stuff. He walked in, seeing me sitting on my suitcase, trying to zip it up with a struggle.

"I warned you one day that case wasn't going to be big enough." He laughed, seeing my struggling.

"Oh shut up and help me." I growled, moving so he could pull the zipper closed for me, "See it's still big enough."

He shook his head in exasperation and I followed him out, throwing one last look around his room before shutting the door behind me. I was glad Roman was lugging my case down for me, it would have killed my arms to bring that huge thing down there. Following him down my feet made little sounds as Roman left the bag by the door, seeing me slide across the wood floor on my socks. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I walked into the kitchen, Roman's dad reading the paper and his mom packing food into sealed containers, the sides nearly bulging out.

"Ma that's a lot of food there." Roman scratched the back of his head, looking at the two containers.

"There was a lot left plus I believe you have two other people who live with you," she smiled brightly, snapping the lids shut with a grunt, "I'm sure you two can share with them."

"I know Seth and Dean will dig in with me." I laughed, sitting at the counter.

"It's been good having you two home for the holidays." Roman's dad came up between us, throwing an arm over our shoulders, "Especially together like this again."

"It was great coming back." I leaned into him, seeing Roman smile down.

"You two should go though, before it gets late. You'll drive them?" she asked her husband, feeling him nod, "Alright you two come give me a hug."

Roman moved to hug her and I hugged his dad tightly before moving to her, seeing the telltale shine in her eyes. I felt my own start burning as I bent down a bit, hugging her tightly before leaning back, seeing her wipe her eyes.

"Ah Ma don't cry." Roman groaned, seeming a little upset.

"Don't mind me Joe, it's just seeing you two together again makes me so happy," she waved her hand before handing us our containers, "All I ask is that you two take care of each other, no more letting silly fights come between you again."

"We will Mama, I always will." I promised, sticking the container in my purse, barely fitting.

"You know I will Ma." He nodded, hand at the small of my back.

"Good now get out of here you two, you have a plane to catch." She pointed at us, and we turned to go, slinging my coat over my arm, Roman taking my suitcase for me

I walked out and followed the two men to the truck, throwing my bag in the backseat before waving at Roman's mom who was standing in the window. I slipped my sunglasses on before jumping into the backseat and buckling up. As they got in Roman smiled back at me before slipping his sunglasses on as well, leaning back in his seat. The holidays had been salvaged but I was ready to go home and see my other boys.

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