Chapter 78 Staying Calm

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New York

I was at the moment sitting in the emergency room, getting checked and announced clear of having a concussion. I just had a goose egg on my head and a few scratches from the glass breaking. The doctor was just about to start stitching up my leg when I heard shouts coming from down the hall.

"I'm looking for October Carmichael." I heard Jax nearly shout, voice breaking, "She was brought in about half an hour ago."

"Jax I'm fine." I called out, hearing his shoes and heels clicking swiftly towards me.

The doctor was working as the curtain was ripped back, the relief flowing over his face and he ran to my side, brushing my hair back. Nikki and Brie were both standing there, tears in their eyes as well.

"Jesus October. You got shot." He whispered, sitting down heavily on the chair, going white.

"I'm so sorry." Nikki burst into tears, Brie looking close as well, "If we didn't go to the park..."

"Then you would have been with me and it could have been you two." I cut her off, voice firm, "I'm alright. It was just a graze. I'm going to be fine."

"Lila." Brie began, voice cracking and she cleared her throat, "It's all over the news, over Facebook, over Twitter. IT's everywhere."

"Shit and my phone broke." I frowned, holding up my shattered phone, "Can I borrow one of yours?"

Nikki dug in her purse quickly, pulling out tissues and then her phone. Taking it I punched in Roman's number as best I could with one hand, the other holding Jax who still looked horrified. It rang twice before Roman picked up, sounding terrible.


"Roman." I said softly, not wanting to set him off.

"Oh thank God..." he breathed, before a sob escaped him, making my throat close up and I heard him hit a button.

"Are the guys there?" I asked, hearing my voice echo.

"Everyone is here." He told me, sounding shaky, "Steph, Hunter, Phil, Randy, Dolph and pretty much the whole roster."

"I am ok." I promised, keeping my voice as soothing as possible, "It was just a freak accident."

"Did you get shot?" I heard Seth ask, sounding just as bad as Roman.

"Not really." I hedged, not wanting them to worry more, "It was more along the lines of a graze. All I need are stitches."

"That's still getting shot. Don't nitpick." Roman shot back, voice shaking desperately, "Are you coming home?"

"I'll be home tomorrow early afternoon." I promised.

"We're glad to hear you're alright." Steph called out, actually sounding genuine.

"Thanks. Trouble just seems to follow me around." I shrugged, seeing Nikki break out a shaky smile.

"I can see that. We'll see you tomorrow." She called out.

"Is Dean there?" I asked suddenly, realizing the absence of the crazy one of my group.

"I'm here." He said, and I knew he was upset.

"Oh good. Look guys don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow alright. I gotta go though, they're stitching me up at the moment." I informed them.

"No more getting shot. I can't take it." Dean blurted out and I laughed for the first time since it happened.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now