Chapter 80 Talking To Roman

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    I shut the door of the bus, feeling a bit frustrated. The boys didn't want me walking around but I did want to go check up on Randy. I had on a royal blue sweater, nearly covering up my shorts. I walked across the lot slowly, feeling the pull of the stitches a bit, not enough to do any damage though. I frowned, trying to remember which one was Randy's and I came back to me as I came up to it. Going to the door I knocked firmly on it, stepping back a bit so not to get hit by the door. It was only a moment before it opened, a frown on his face till he saw me.

"Holy shit." He murmured, coming down onto the concrete.

"Hey." I said softly, feeling a tad awkward.

"Hey." He said back, glancing into the bus before turning back, "Do you wanna come in? It's a little messy but..."

"I can't stay long." I admitted, glancing towards the bus, "I just came to see if you were alright."

"You came to see if I was alright?" he questioned, sounding shocked, "I'm not the one who survived a robbery."

"Dolph said you were pretty upset and I just thought I'd come..." I trailed off, not sure what to say, "I guess I thought I'd come let you know that I am ok."

"Is it true you got shot?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Uh...ya in the leg. Just a graze though." I nodded, lifting my sweater a bit, turning my leg to show him.

"Holy hell." He breathed, leaning down to look at it, "That's insane."

"It was an experience." I shrugged, letting the material drop.

He stood up straight and we stood there, not sure what to say. I was a little upset that we had come to this, neither of us knowing how to act around each other. At one point we had been friends, close enough that he would talk to me about his divorce. I wished we could get back there but I still had lingering anger over his betrayal.

"Thanks for coming over. I was the one who told Shield about you. Steph couldn't." he murmured, blue eyes still as fierce as I remembered.

"They told me." I nodded, hands in my sweater pockets.

"I'm really glad you're alright. I don't think my life would be the same if you weren't in it. Even if you aren't in it." He blurted out, making me wince a bit.

"I am sorry things ended up this way between us." I said softly, gazing up at him, feeling incredibly tiny next to him in my sneakers, "But I can't be sorry about the choices I made, I won't. I won't be sorry about the side I chose to stand on."

"I know." He nodded, seeming a little sad to me, "I miss us sometimes."

"So do I." I admitted, hair blowing against my face in the breeze, "Who knows, maybe at some point we'll get back there but for now I can't. Thanks for still caring though."

"I always will."

He leaned down, resting his hands on my shoulders as he kissed my cheek. He lingered for a second longer than he should have but I didn't mind, my eyes shutting. As he leaned back his hands fell off my arms and I turned, walking slowly back towards our bus. Now that I dealt with that the only left was to talk to Roman, ready to face him for Seth.

2 Days Later

I was sitting in the gym with Roman, Seth and Dean staying in bus which gave me a perfect time to talk to Roman. I wasn't allowed to do any strenuous exercise till my leg had stitches removed which was Saturday, the morning of the inductions. Now I was standing here watching Roman lift and work out, making me wish to get back to my routine. I had worked out my arms and back, not able to do anything with my legs. I was sitting on the bench, one leg up and my arms resting around it, chin on top. I was had been trying to think of a way to bring it up this whole time, my mind going a million miles an hour.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now