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(Charlie's POV)

Yn was always very unique. She was very calm but quiet. She calmed she was the outcast of her family, but I don't think that's true. "My younger brother gets all the attention and I really doubt if he or my parents love me" she said. I just shook my head. "I think they do".

Yn described her family as very attention hungry and they would anything to make themselves look good. Her mother had this TV show she would only smile on it to give 'appearance'. I guess her show was kinda popular, because when everyone found out yn was a dope head, her ratings dropped down by a lot.

"She was very disappointed in me, but I could tell it was only because of her fame and not my well being" yn stated.

I thought yn was talking out of her head because she had been on something earlier today, but I guess she really meant what she said because she was sober. Sometimes I worry if yn will make it to 28 years old because she gets so high all the time.

But she's so imperfect and so perfect that it keeps hanging on to her. She's an amazing person if you got to know her. Everything was blue for her. Her pills, hands and jeans just glowed. Her pale blueish hands and her light blue pills that she took added color to her imperfections.

Then her purplish grayish hair swished back and forth in the wind. It was cold outside so you could see the smoke come out of our mouth. Her dreams were a gray and purple color. At least to me and her they were.

When the night rolled around, yn left. I found myself dreaming about her, and then when I woke up I found she wasn't there. She usually isn't there when I wake up so I wasn't disappointed. She brings a different type of religion to my eyes every time I dream about her. But I remember her telling me that she won't ever be forgiven until she forgives herself.

She used to be red and that's why she liked me because I was blue. But in my dreams she touched me and suddenly I turned lilac. But then she decided purple wasn't for her, until she decided to give me a chance. Then she turned grey and blue. And one day I hope that she loves me as much as I love her.

But what I'm still trying to figure out is if yn is real or not. I never see her standing in front of me. Only when I fall asleep. And there she is. Ripped at every edge, but still a masterpiece.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


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