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"Charlie the baby's coming!" Those words made me spring into action. I went to the closet and grabbed the baby bag and I helped Sofie downstairs. We got in the car and drove to the hospital. The nurse wheeled Sofie into the delivery room. I hurried and put on surgical scrubs and I joined Sofie. "Charlie it really hurts! The contractions are picking up!"

After 15 minutes the doctor finally came in. " Hi I'm Dr Adams, Alright Mrs puth just relax and take deep breaths". She said. Sofie dropped her head on the pillow trying to breathe through her nose. I squeezed her hand to calm her down. "Alright I can see the head through the cervix. On the next contraction, I want you to push" said Dr Adams.

Sofie nodded squeezing my hand. "She's almost 7 meters dilated" I heard the nurse say. "It's happening!" Sofie cried. "Okay 1, 2, 3, push!"

Sofie squeezed my hand as she pushed. "Another push". Sweat dripped down her face as she gritted her teeth from pain. She gasped. "I can't push anymore! Please let me take a break please!"
"Take a deep breath and breathe in and out. And then push!"said Dr Adams.

Sofie pushed as hard as she could. It was hard for me to watch her in so much pain. But I knew it would be worth it. Pretty soon I heard a cry. When I looked over I saw Dr Adams holding a small baby in her arms. "It's a boy" she said. I smiled through my surgical mask. I looked down at Sofie who was also smiling. "He's gorgeous" she said. Tears streamed down her face. I cried too. "He's absolutely perfect".

Sofie's heart monitor started beeping really fast and her eyes were closed. She wasn't waking up. They handed me my baby but I was still panicking. I held my son for a brief moment and then they took him away. The rushed Sofie to emergency surgery and I was ushered out of the room. I tried to follow my son but they said that he had some complications.

Fear strickened me. I had only known him for a minute and he's already sick. And Sofie is having complications too. I sat in the waiting room with stress on my back. I watched as the clock ticked by, it was 3:30 am. Finally the doctor came out. Dr Adams said my son was fine he just had some complications with his liver. They did a surgery and he's ok now. "That's great news" I exclaimed.

She smiled but then her face turned serious. "I'm sorry but your wife just died a couple minutes ago. She had a heart attack and we couldn't save her. Between her history of drinking before her pregnancy and then having a difficult labor and delivery made her body too weak".

I couldn't believe it. The happiest day of my life and the saddest day of my life at the same time! Dr Adams took me to my son whom I decided to name Austin Jasper puth. Austin was sleeping in his incubator. He had dark brown hair and when he opened his eyes, they were a dark minty Hazel Green. "My gorgeous boy, I love you so much. And Mommy did too".  I was trying to stop the tears from flowing. But they came down anyway.

*16 years later*

I was in my room working on something for work. Then I heard a knock on my door. "Hey dad can I go to the mall with my friends?" I glanced up and then back down. "No maybe later on you and me can go together".

Austin was disappointed but reluctantly agreed. After he closed the door I immediately thought of Sofie. Over the years I've been so overprotective of Austin because I don't want him to get hurt especially with his liver condition. The doctors said that if he was to drink, then it would have to be in moderation obviously because his liver would be at risk of failing.

Especially since Sofie had alcohol problem before she we met, so that weakened her body really badly.

But now since Austin's a teenager, I can tell he's starting to resent me being so protective of him. I've been so scared of losing him, like I lost Sofie. Anyway we never did go to the mall later that day, but that didn't really bother Austin because he apparently had other plans. I found out that he had snuck out to a party late at night.

I started to worry so I got in the car and drove around for Austin. He couldn't have been that far. I finally saw a house that was having a blowout party and when I parked the car and went inside, sure enough I saw Austin standing against the wall talking to a girl with A DRINK IN HIS HAND! I was furious!

I marched over to him calling his full name. He shot around and was very surprised that I had found him. At first I hugged him. "Austin are you ok? Are you hurt? You didn't drink any alcohol did you?!" I asked frantically. "I'm fine dad" Austin said embarrassed.


"Dad you're drawing a crowd!"

"I don't care! You are coming home with me right now mister and you can forget about going anywhere for a month!"

"Whatever" Austin ran past me to the front door. He started walking to the car and I followed him. "Don't you whatever me young man! When we get home we are going to have a serious talk!"

"Just forget it dad! You don't ever let me do anything! If you're not gonna help me get medicine or surgery or whatever for my liver, then you should at least let me enjoy what little bit I have left of life!"

I was shocked. I couldn't believe Austin said that to me. I fought back tears. But before I could say anything, Austin starting clutching his belly. "Oh man it really hurts!"

I ran over to Austin and helped into the car. I sped to the hospital not caring if I got a speeding ticket or not. I knew Austin couldn't really walk so I picked him up and carried him inside the emergency room. "Can somebody, anybody please get a gurney?! My son is in severe pain it's an emergency!"

Two EMTs inside put him on the gurney then they wheeled him to emergency surgery. I sat in the waiting room with every thought racing through my head. I couldn't bear if something bad happened to my little baby boy. A couple hours went by, when I looked up at the clock again it was already 1:43 in the morning. We came to the hospital at around 10:12.

The doctor came out. He had a serious look on his face. "Mr puth, we were able to get your son stable but his liver completely failed. We'll have to operate immediately. We think there's still a little piece of his liver left that's still alive, which if it is then chances of a full recovery are 50 %. But I'll be frank, the surgery is risky and survival during surgery is 20%."

I held it in the best way I could. "O-Okay". "We'll need your permission to operate".

I nodded and signed the papers. I waited some more. "I told him not to drink I told him!" I yelled to myself. "It's not fair! He's just a little baby!" I sobbed. A cry escaped my lips.

A couple hours later the doctor came out again. The adrenaline raced through me. "The surgery was a success". A huge relief lifted off my shoulders. "Thank you so much. When can I see him?"

The doctor showed me to his room. Austin was awake. He had an IV and heart monitor hooked up to him. I ran over and hugged him and then kissed his face all over. "Austin I'm so glad you're ok".

Austin smiled. "Me too. I'm really sorry dad. I should have listened to you. I'm fortunate to have an awesome dad like you".

I gave Austin another big hug. "You live you learn". We both laughed. "I love you bunches buddy".

"I love you too Dad".

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