Smoke and mirrors

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You had a job that you were not very proud of. It was looked down upon because of its low standards. Your brother Charlie despised it. He hated seeing you striped off your dignity every time you went there. That is if you still had it. You were getting ready for your job when Charlie came in the room shaking his head.

"You don't have to do this yn. You're a fraud and you know it". He said. "Uh a little privacy Charlie and besides times are tough".

"Of course it's too good to throw all away. You get em all going don't you?" "Stop being so snarky. I make a decent living!" "You know that it's wrong yn! But you're careful not to show it too much and by that I mean you're conscience. But you're actually fooling yourself. It's just another smoke and mirrors game".

You couldn't bring yourself to look at Charlie. "So know that you've arrived you wonder what you did to get all this" he said pointing to your money. "Is that too easy for you? Or are you only trying to please them? Your desperate to deliver anything that could give you even just a small amount of reassurance every time you look at yourself in the mirror".

You knew everything Charlie said was true, but you wanted to lie and say that he was out of his mind. "Every night and day you take the stage and entertain but do you honestly know what you do it for? Is it for fame? Money? Or do you do it with a passion when you strip? And it's admirable you say, so you can sell yourself to others in bed."

Tears formed in your eyes because Charlie played on your conscience.

"You really put on quite a show yn you really do. Just don't think about mom watching you and her reaction to it". You couldn't stand it anymore. "SHUT UP CHARLIE JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"

Charlie looked at you for a minute with disappointed eyes. "Smoke and mirrors yn...... smoke....... and mirrors".

He walked out of the room leaving you there with your conscience and your state of mind hoping that you could turn to the right choice.

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