The Curse of the Golden Master

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We arrived back at New Ninjago City and looked at how deserted it has become.

"What happened?" Asked Kai.

"No power is what happened." I said as Zane beside me spoke up, "Are we too late?"

"Kai! Watch o—" I tried to warn him about the trip wire but it was too late as some cars fell down.

"Outsiders must answer to the Postman!" Yelled a man as some citizens appeared with house tools as weapons.

"Return to sender!" Shouted the postman as they all cheered before Borg appeared.

"Ah, you finally made it. Don't mind the savages. Since power went out, everyone has grown a bit bored. Their imagination knows no bounds. Pixal. Amazing! You're...powered." Said Borg before smiling to see Pixal running well.

"You need to stay in character, Borg. This is no fun if we're not all committed." Said the postman.

"Oh, I'll have you committed if you don't all leave us at once! Now shoo!" The crowd grumbled at Borg before doing as told, "We have real problems to address. Pixal, what's powering you?"

"Zane gave me half of his heart." Said Pixal walking to her creator before smiling at Zane.

"Thank you, Zane. I am greatly indebted. Unfortunately, the hard drive was stolen with the digital imprint of the Overlord. You'll be unable to erase him with your Techno Blades until we find it." Said Borg smiling at Zane before explaining the situation.

"Aw, don't worry, we already had a little run in with the red-handed suspect. Or should I say white-handed. He left behind a white scale. Get this, he's Serpentine!" Said Jay walking between me and Kai and showed the scale.

"Lucky for us the Last of the Serpentine we're sealed within a tomb right under the city, so it's about time we pay them a little visit." Said Cole as I went down first while Nya followed with Cole close behind.

"Watch your step, Nya. We don't know the last time this ladder was used." Wanted Cole as I frowned.

'When did he care so much for her just now? Nya can take care of herself. She doesn't need no man...and I certainly don't need one in my life either...I guess...oh! Stupid feelings! Why can't they go away?!' I thought as we headed down the ladder.

"That's thoughtful of you, Cole." Smiled Nya as Jay made some sounds before he pointed to Cole.

"Ayaya! How about YOU watch where you're watching, Cole! Huh?!" Shouted Jay.

"Aah! Aah! Uh, guys? A little help...?" Asked Nya as I was already on the ground and gasped seeing her dangling from the ladder unable to steady herself.

"Oh, is that a threat, Jay? 'Cause coming from you, it sounds like some of your best material!" Retorted Cole.

"Haha! There's a reason nobody liked you!!" Retorted back Jay.

"Aah! Aah! Ugh...! AAAAH!" Nya screamed making the boys look down as I caught her.

"Phew! You okay? No bruises?" I asked as I put her down making her smile, "Yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit spooked by that. At least you're here! *sighs* My knights in shining armour..." she said as she soon joked making me laugh.

"So? Why are they fighting again? I heard you yell 'Maybe you two should be together!' when I walked in the van back at the junk yard. Don't tell me they were fighting since we got caught." I groaned as she dusted herself off before she stood up write.

It seems my question made her uneasy, "Uh...yeah! And also there's something else...but it's nothing really!" She waved it off as I tilted my head but the boys interrupted us making Nya sigh in relief making me double confused.

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