Pause and Effect

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"And if we do this right, we can find Master Wu, save Cyrus Borg, rescue everyone who was kidnapped and stop Krux and Acronix. But it'll take stealth, concentration and precise execution. Got it?" I said as went over the plan for the others after me and Lloyd had a separate conversation.

"And where does the slug fit in?" Asked Jay as I looked confused with my brother.

"What slug?" Asked Lloyd before Cole freaked out.

"Ew! That one!! Ew! Ew! Ew! It's so big! So gross!" Yelled Cole before he got the slug off.

"Okay, stay away from me until you clean your suit." I stated to my boyfriend.

"Hey guys, what'd we miss?" Asked Nya appearing with her brother.

"Haha! Cole freaking out over a slug." Laughed Jay.

"And Lloyd with his sister laying out the plan of attack." Added Zane.

"Haha! But mostly Cole freaking out." Laughed again Jay as I stifled a laugh since I knew Cole was crossing his arms and staring daggers into my back.

"As my sister was saying if I may, Zane will use his his sensors to locate Cyrus Borg while Jay, sis and Cole rescue the workers from the warehouse. I'll get Master Wu, who's probably in the holding cell. Kai and Nya you have the toughest job...locating Krux and Acronix. So you take the map." Stated Lloyd.

"We can do that. Right, Kai?" Smiled Nya as she turned to her brother already reading the map.

"Barracks...holding cell..." sighed Kai as Nya brought him back to the world.

"Ahem! Kai?" Nya was rubbing his arm to at least get a reaction but she got nothing.

"That's the mess hall and...what's this—?" He continued as Nya had to literally shove him.

"Kai!" She shouted.

"What? Yeah, yeah, we got it. Let's go." He said.

"Remember team. Stealth is key as Lloyd said before. Everyone got and understand what they're doing?" I asked to the gang.

"On it!" Replied Cole as he held my hand.

"Yup!" Said Jay as Nya copied him, "Yup."

"Affirmative." Said Zane.

"Oh, yeah. I know exactly what I'm doing." Said Kai.

"Good luck! No pressure, but all of Ninjago is depending on us." Said Lloyd as we all nodded.

"Yeah, sure...totally not pressuring as it is...we're always the last hope aren't we...?" I said as some of the group laughed at my statement.


Jay, Cole and I were soon covering ourselves behind some rocks to where the kidnapped workers were.

"Hm, I dont think we can go in the front door." Stated Cole.

"Well, you know, we can, but I doubt fighting half the Vermilion Warriors is good for Lloyd and (N/N)'s steal plan." Said Jay as we soon quietly ran around the small warehouse.

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