The Quiet One

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I was getting some parts of the ruined ship to Kai and Jay as Cole was busy with the baby as he had a handmade strap on his back to carry him around.

"What do you think the baby's name is? You think he looks like a Cole Jr?" Asked Cole whistling to the baby to soothe it.

Jay soon got out of the thruster and soon threw away the sword that was in it as he took off his mask he used to cover his face from the sparks, "I think you should put the baby down and give it to your girlfriend and help us out." Said Jay with a stern gaze.

"Excuse you, JJ. I tried but my so called boyfriend wanted to take care of it the most so I gave up." I huffed setting down some more parts.

"Okay, Zane, give it another try." Said Jay as he use his com-link but it wasn't working.

"Zane? Come in, Zane." Kai soon tried but it wasn't working.

"Oh, great. Now the radios aren't working." Whined Jay as we all went in a battle stance when we heard an unknown creature howl.

"What do you think that was?" Asked Cole putting the baby in his makeshift baby back strap.

"Oh! What if it's a giant crab or dragon?!" I yelled in excitement.

"No! No. Not again, bestie!" Yelled Jay.

"Probably just some cute little critter...?" Asked Kai.

"Or a BIG critter. A great big vicious critter with lots of teeth and claws and pinchers." Ranted Jay.

"And is super mega huge and has an annoying screech and is probably carnivorous meaning we're a perfect meal for it as it only goes out at the day since it sleeps at night!" I continued.

"You can't tell all that from just how it sounds. And Angel, please stop adding stuff to his rants. It's making it worse." Said Cole.

"Aw...! Fine..." I pouted but complied.

"Oh, yeah? If you listen really carefully...AH!" Jay said as it was quiet for a bit before he soon screamed at the loud screeching noise as it was just Zane answering his coms.

"Did you guys say something?" Asked Zane.

"Any luck reaching Lloyd?" Asked Kai after having his mini heart attack.

"Pixal and I have only been able to repair the shortwave com-link. It appears we won't be able to find them until we get the Bounty over these trees. Ready to test the thrusters?" Said Zane before asking us about the thrusters.

"Let's give it a go!" Cheered Cole as I got a bit scared.

"Fire it up." Said Kai.

"Go for it!" Urged Jay.

The thrusters soon started working making us a bit hopeful, "Haha! It's working!" Said Cole happily.

"I'll say. Fi-y'a!~" smirked Kai before I noticed the thrusters getting out of hand.

"Ahh! Turn it off!"

"Abort, abort!"

"Shut it down, shut it down!"

"Um...I'll just stay right here over here-Pfft! Ahem." I tried to stay clear but the black smoke caught me making me cough it out of my system a bit.

"That's it. I've had it!" Yelled Jay already done with this bullshi-...the author won't let me swear...

"Haha!" Zane laughed at how dirty we are at the moment making me give him a small glare.

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