The Invitation

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"Alright, kids! Good job! Now let's start training more on focus! If you have focus you learn about your enemy while you're in battle. Grab a partner and do it pairs." I said smiling and soon demonstrated.

"Yes, Sensei (Y/N)!" Said the pupils as they all started sparring each other as I nodded at them before my mother appeared.

"How is it going? Have the children warmed up to you?" Asked my mother giving me a hug as I smiled.

"Yeah, they actually loved me the moment I became a teacher! It's kinda surreal. Uncle told me I could potentially became a Sensei or leader in the near future. And I guess it happened! Crazy right?" I said looking at the students.

"Haha. I can see that. How is your hip? It's been 2 weeks since the incident...Are you doing well?" Asked my mother a frowned when I got flashbacks of Zane's sacrifice.

"Yeah. It's quite a long gash that covers my whole hip, but thanks to my powers I was able to fasten up the process. Ah! Students! It's time to stop now, I think you've all trained well today. Class dismissed!" I said as the kids soon nodded and waved at you happily as my mom and I smiled back.

"Yes, Sensei (Y/N)! Good day!" They said before bowing and leaving the room as I sighed.

"I feel like it's my fault, mother. I was injured during the whole battle and I could've only scream at Zane to stop...if I tried harder to escape, I wouldn't have another scar nor would have let Zane sacrifice himself for us." I said as we walked to a room as I inspected my arm and soon my hip that is still bandaged for good measure.

"I think he would've still sacrificed himself for all of us even if you weren't captured or injured, (Y/N). He did it for not only you and the ninja. He did it for the people of Ninjago as well. All we can do now is carry his will. And I think your scars are beautiful, it makes you more fierce and strong. You went through a lot and these are the things that can indicate that." Said my mother as she held my shoulders while I still looked at the mirror.

"I know...But it's still hurts..." I sighed before putting my loose kimono back on.

"I understand. Maybe if you go take a walk, you can get closure for a bit. I'll stay with your father in the monastery." Said mother as she kissed my head before quietly closing the door while I looked outside through the window before sighing.

"If only you were here, we could've studied the stars like we did sometimes back at the Bounty..." I said with a sad smile as I walked through the woods.

"Heh. You would've corrected me on every single star I'd get wrong. Huh? What was that?" I said to myself looking at the stars before sensing a presence near the trees not far from me.

I soon looked around before running towards some bushes but found no one, "Must be my imagination...Huh? Ok. I guess not." I sighed before sensing it again and soon got farther from the monastery.

"Alright intruder! You better leave your hiding spot and surrender before I take you down with force! I may no longer be a ninja but I still got my skills with me! Ha!" I yelled before looking to see bushes moving as I soon pounced on the intruder.

"Woah, woah! I wasn't trying to hurt you! I was just trying to see if you were still good at sensing people! And I guess I was right."

I grew shocked as I recognized the voice, "Lloyd? Oh my god! I missed you so much! How have you been? Oh, and so sorry about that! Ever since I became a Sensei my mind kinda got sharper." I helped my brother up as I hugged him.

"H-hey...! Guess your killer hugs are still killer...!" He cried out as I gasped again.

"Whoops! Sorry again! Oh! You should go inside and meet mother and father! It's been a few weeks since you even seen them! We can get some food to catch up too!" I said after letting go of him and soon smiled happily.

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